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It only seems easy because no one talks about how hard it is. (Pt 2)

Enter: [The wicked witch a.k.a. Aunt Flo a.k.a. (I could go on but do you really want me to? Umm....NO)] Oh and did I mention that it was the one cycle in my memory that was LATE???!! Yeah 32 days...I know for some that isn't late at all and they would feel fortunate to be so regular but for me it was devastating. A true testament to the man I married. Who let me lay there and sob and wail and completely incoherently attempt to describe exactly why this was so much harder on me than him. When I think about the scene it must have looked like I imagine something like the episode of FRIENDS when Rachel is saying goodbye to everyone before she goes off to London in the next to last episode, and she and Monica are sitting on the bed in the guest room and they start to talk and at first you can kind of make out what they are saying but in the end it is just one collective sob with a few breaths, and Rachel pulls away and says, "What?"...My poor husband. :)


December...a time of butt cold weather, adorable sweaters that you've been saving since the last time you wanted to call up an Eskimo and give him an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas, and the time when you generally shut up the windows crawl under the blankets and refuse to get out of bed on time. That and it is forever known as the month I actually put all of the TTC research I had done to good use and purchased the most useful tool in my TTC arsenal....a Basal Body Thermometer.
I should mention that I had tried using a regular thermometer the month previous to no avail. First off, it was my first time trying to chart and I was horrible at it. Next was my inability to actually read the rest of the information on the fact that you have to do it at the same time every day. In addition to the fact that it had been over a year since either of us had been sick or had a fever but no one thought to check the battery. So, when my husband came home from work sicker than a dog and unable to stop shivering and burning up with a fever and the thermometer read 96 degrees F I realized the month was a lost cause!!
It was only $8 at Target and it was welllllll worth it. I also remembered that I had downloaded an app for my iPod Touch months back but it required constant internet access to use it so I had disregarded it as a helpful tool. However, in my new attempts to actually get baby making in full gear and not worry about how neurotic I sound to my mother, I went back through my emails and printed all of the information that they had sent on charting. Imagine that - a website that is so invested in helping women to understand their bodies and achieve that ever elusive status of PREGNANT that they actually sent me over a dozen whole lessons in charting. Everything from tracking cervical mucus to how to take your temperature to how to record secondary fertility signs and the whole shebang. I love them. "Who are they?" you A free membership will give you access to wonderful charting resources, detects ovulation in your specific chart as you put the information in, FAQs, and other women's charts that let you compare how "normal" your symptoms or temperatures are. It's a wonderful, wonderful resource. Check them out!

[post too long con't on next post]

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