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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Definitely. Then this is particularly odd and you should make an appointment I think.

10 years ago

I don't think k there's any need for that I just wiped brown cm so I think AF is starting..... At least now I can get on with things!!

10 years ago

I'm sorry Sam. :( *hugs*

10 years ago

thanks but i think in the back of my mind i knew this was coming considering I'm not even upset about it.
I'm still going to see my doctor on thursday as i read online somewhere that if you experience difficulties for more than 3 months after being diagnosed with endometriosis you should consult a doctor as it may be the culprit. i think I'm starting to agree with it. i was doing some research earlier about people that have managed to conceive with endo and majority of them had done so using IVF or had lap surgery and conceived a couple of months after. i didn't want to have to go down that road but its becoming more and more of a reality. eh now I'm upset I'm bloody 25 years old most of these women are in their late 30s!!! so much for defective tests its more like a defective body!

Jodi i really hope you get your BFP this cycle. you've been so supportive of me over the last few months and i really appreciate it. i couldn't think of anyone more deserving for our first aussie BFP. no disregard to the rest of the ladies here you're all amazing and i wish you all the best.

10 years ago

Thank you so much Sam, you have no idea how much that meant to me for you to say those lovely words. I have been really struggling with the reality that this is the last try for us. Today my hubby suddenly decided to hang some collector plates in what was to be the next nursery, and in a way it signified he has given up and so should I. He could see how upset I was, he completely didn't mean to hurt me, and promised the plates could easily come down if the nursery stuff was ever needed again. But part of me knows that isn't going to happen. It's depressing and sad and I know I could change my mind and extend our deadline in a heartbeat but I don't think that I can do that to myself or "us".
Thank you so much for your support too, and I think you will be the most fantastic mum very soon.

I think you should definitely seek help early rather than wait, I know most people would say not to worry but I wish I had sought help earlier instead of expecting everything to be fine. I know some tests etc are invasive, embarrassing and costly but the end justifies the means. You aren't defective at all by the way! This magical process is so tricky sometimes, I don't think there is anything wrong with getting some help from professionals. But of course it's your call, that's just my 2cents worth! :) I'm glad you're ok btw. x

10 years ago

You're absolutely welcome I meant every word of it!!! Iran it even more if this really is your last try!!

Maybe the plates aren't a sign that he's given up maybe just a distraction to take the focus off the fact that it's taking longer than expected for you guys. I know sometimes I feel like taking all of our stuff in to the garage so I don't have to look at it to remind me all the time. It makes sense in my head but I can't describe it right.

Earlier on I felt defeated and had given up until my OH walked in the door with a present for me..... Two size zero hoodies one collingwood and one hawthorn (were both huge afl fans) I think he sensed that I had given up hope..... His exact words "these aren't going to fit you and I, let's make someone they will fit" then he went and put them in the chest of drawers on our nursery. I must admit I had a little cry......

10 years ago

Oh that is so sweet, what a lovely man you have there!
Yeah I think you're right, my hubs has been trying to stay busy and has found all these jobs that needed doing around the house. It's just a sad coincidence for me, but if I'm honest I could relate anything back to our infertility. It doesn't take much to upset me these days. :S

Hey at least you can have the hot bath now, how is your back?

10 years ago

He's definitely a keeper Jodi that's for sure!!!

I know what you mean about getting upset.... I was a big sook before hand now I'm a blubbering mess over everything! All part of being a woman I say!!

My back is still ridiculously sore, seems to be the worst at night!! I'm already one step ahead of you with the bath is filling as I type!!! Hello bubbles!!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

Sorry to hear Sam :-( Sounds like your hubby is amazing :-)

You mentioned Endo, have you tried massage? I have a mild(ish) case of Endo and pretty severe scarring from my (horrific) emergency ceaser with our daughter.

I saw a lady who specialised in fertility massage (cost me $95) and she was amazing. She showed me how to do a lot of the massage myself & said that it actually has more benefit (relaxation wise) if you do it yourself. I have noticed a huge difference since starting it. AF is much easier to tolerate and I can feel that my scarring is better.

I also found a lot of info on Google about self massage techniques and using castor oil (topically) to help with fertility/menstrual issues. Sadly hasn't got me a BFP yet but I do feel better doing it.


If this is your last try I really hope it pays off! It's so hard to put a "final" date on something so important :-( I told myself years ago that I would have all my children by the time I was 35. Lol. How wrong could I be - had the first at 34! I think (now at nearly 39 & hubby nearly 41) I would probably have already given up but I just can't bring myself to stop trying :-( Our daughter is so desperate for a sibling that she even puts pictures of babies on her christmas & birthday lists. Cute but heartbreaking at the same time :-(

10 years ago

I'm glad you got the bath Sam! I hope it helped ease your back pain, poor thing! Mel's idea sounds great, getting tips as to how to do it yourself at home would be good. I think you should get that lovely OH of yours to learn to massage! He he. Have you tried acupuncture btw? I have had it done (not for pain though but it apparently can help) and I felt amazing afterwards. If it wasn't so expensive I'd go every week!

Thanks Mel, I hope this is the cycle for us too. I agree nothing has worked out as we planned either! I hope you get that much- wanted sibling for your daughter, it did break my heart that she writes that on her Christmas list! My daughter asks as well and we've been open with her too. It is hard feeling like we are letting her down but some things we sadly can't control.

6dpo for me, I had some light cramps this morning. How is everyone else feeling?

10 years ago

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