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Fingers Crossed for OCTOBER 2014 Babies!

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Welcome, guys! I hear October babies are awesome. Baby dust to everyone!

If we conceive this cycle, my EDD would be October 2, 2014.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

862 Replies • 10 years ago



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I have to say that you ladies are amazing. I don't get the chance to really sit down and type out a post that often, but I do read everyone else's. I am trying to keep up with everyone and have been sending warm thoughts and prayers in all your directions.

AFM: I haven't been temping or anything, so every month is a guess on when I ov. The 1st month I stopped the pill I still had a 28 day cycle so I estimate the time of ov around CD15. My next AF should be Feb. 10th. We haven't been TTC long yet, but if I don't get pregnant for a while, I will probably start thinking about really monitoring things. Which means I will probably have a lot of questions. LOL. At this point we are just BD'ing a lot and hoping for the best. :)

Ok well, I better leave for work before I make myself late. HAHA.

Congrats on all the recent BFP!! And GL to those who are still waiting to test.

According to LMP: User Image According to O date:

10 years ago

Koti Thank you, and same to you! My for your this cycle! Sending your way along with all the other ladies still in it for October!

Korbie Good luck and to you!

Angelic Sorry got you and better luck next cycle for your !

BabyFever My EDD is 10/22 as well!! I created a board for anyone testing near Valentine's Day. I'm due for my next AF on 2/12 and I'll probably start testing with the dip strip tests around the 9th or so. and please join the board with the rest of us if you would like...

For anyone I may have left off -

Still feeling hopeful and positive for more this month...seems there have been quite a few already! God I can't wait to see a !!!!

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10 years ago

Thanks GB, but turns out it wasn't after all, according to my monitor now that I went in and fixed the dates according to my average cycle length, I actually O'd on the 20th of this month! So... maybe I'm not out!?

I'm testing in a couple of days to be sure, but my fingers are crossed that this was implantation bleeding or the like... Wish me luck???

User Image Married to my DH since August 2006 TTC baby #1 since August 2006 Miscarriage - October 2006 I want my Here's to and !

10 years ago

Hey ladies!

I'm 11 dpo today and I chickened out....I couldn't test. I've had 2 years of BFN's and I just couldn't go through with it this morning and ruin my day if it was negative

I'm having symptoms like I've never had before...heartburn and my boobs are so tender, like deep down in the tissue. Also, my upper abs for the past 2 days have felt like I've done a thousand crunches. And yesterday when I was getting my lunch in the cafeteria (I work at a hospital) I could smell the seafood salad they had all the way on the opposite side of the cafeteria....It made me want to hurl. Mind you, the day before I had the same seafood salad as my lunch...Interesting....
Oh! And I cried like a little girl, several times, watching American Idol last night. Also, a few days prior, I cried watching Forest Gump...really?!?!

I promised DH I'd test tonight that way I'm at home and can be crappy with him if it's negative instead of going in to work and being a monster to eveyone

10 years ago

I'm pretty sure I'm out for an October baby!
AF came later than I thought after taking provera so I think I'm on the edge of a late October/early November .

I started clomid today so that's very exciting to me! to everyone else trying!

We've been TTC since April '12 so almost 2 years...I'm really hoping for this cycle or at least the next 2 cycles afterwards! Iit would be awesome to get pregnant this cycle because then I could surprise our family during a vacation we are taking in April.

10 years ago

angelicmethod That's great! Hopefully it was implantation bleeding! for you! Still in it!! Good luck!

fiverson09 Those are all great symptoms to have, sounds promising! I'll be waiting to see your results, and I wish you the best of luck!!!! Hope this is your month!

Bpdoyle I hope you get your soon!!! Stay strong!

AFM I'm CD16 and I believe I'm 2dpo. Next AF is due 2/12 so I'll probably start testing with the cheap dip strip tests around the 8th or 9th lol. So excited that I have those this month, doesn't feel like it will be such a waste if I use a couple of those instead of the more expensive tests

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10 years ago

I went with my sis-in-law to her colposcopy appointment. She's 14 weeks pregnant so I kind of got an idea of how it will go when I get my colposcopy done. To be honest, I was scared to death before going with my sis-in-law. OB explained that he only looks at the cervix through a microscope and if there is any area in question he will wait until after the baby is born to do a biopsy. That was a relief. Now I just have to wait for my U/S appointment on 2/14 and then schedule an appointment for colposcopy.

Feeling more tired, more hungry, have mild cramping, headaches, and I worry my blood pressure might be up in the evenings (face gets hot as well as arms & hands and I can feel my heartbeat in my head).

DH told me to take it easy and not worry too much. He's already discussing names and asking about breast feeding. I'm so early so this surprised me. It's been a while since I've had a little one and I don't remember discussing things so early on. Has anyone had previous children they do not breast feed and then breastfed their latest child?

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Sorry for the long post.

and to all of you!!!

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Hi! I'm totally new here and learning a lot. We actually weren't planning to start trying until May due to my husbands work schedule (he is in the military.)

But, I am having some early symptoms and think it's possible that I might be pregnant! Because we weren't yet trying, I'm not quite positive of my O date, but I am likely 9 DPO and for the last 24 hours I have had a twinge like cramp on my left side and my breasts are sore. I'm CD24 and we BD'd on CD13, 14, and 17..

So I am starting to think I may be pregnant.

After doing my research I think I will actually be disappointed if I'm not!

I'm glad my sister sent me to this website and I look forward to following all of your stories!

10 years ago

gd3 - my dh and I are already picking out names! It's just one of those things we can't help doing, we think names are very important and need to have special meaning. So I don't think it was strange for your DH to be talking about that already. So far as breastfeeding...I breastfed all 3 of mine, for differing lengths of time, and will do it for any children I have going forward if I can. Are you worried about it? Your hospital should have a lactation specialist that you can meet with or talk to on the phone. The lady that helped me when I had my dd was wonderful - very supportive and knowledgeable. Maybe you can get in touch with them?

Fiverson - I totally understand not wanting to test! BFNs are the hardest thing to see time and again. But your symptoms sound good. and

angelic - for you!

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10 years ago

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