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May IUI/IVF 2014

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Trying to conceive by IUI or IVF either by the first time or not.

300 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good morning, ladies! Its cd1 for me :(. My cycles are getting shorter since I had that laparoscopic procedure in Dec. Could lasering off some endometriosis cause that?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies! I am still around and very discouraged but still hopeful I can manage a successful pregnancy soon. I am currently awaiting my iui.. my follies are taking their sweet ole time to grow. I measured 16mm my largest follicle yesterday. I go back for another scan tomorrow where I hope it grew larger so I can trigger and go for iui within the next few days. Im concerned because I have yet to get a positive opk and this is CD16 for me. Ive never ovulated this late and im afraid I wont ovulate this month. I spotted after my period for an additional 4-5 days. Highly unusual for me. Not sure if it was the femara messing up the cycle but ive never had that happen. Im hoping because my period was lengthened is why im having a late start with ovulation. I am just not too hopeful this cycle which sucks because if I fail this iui I wont try again until June for another one and I just dont want to wait that long. Im so ready to be a mom again. Have anybody heard of Femara messing up a cycle like that? Im hoping my follies grew and tomorrows scan says I can trigger. I pray this is the month. Fingers crossed.

10 years ago

Hi Ladies, I'm on a natural cycle this month and next month I'll be on BC in prep for trying to calm the ovaries before a big med shock. I'm about 7 or 8dpo, a little hard to tell without that trigger shot. I think I've had 5ish IUI cycles so far, leaning toward IVF, but if they can't get my ovaries to respond well then I'll look at options like egg or embryo donation and adoption.

I'm totally with you on not trusting my REs though, but not because I think they aren't trying their best. I've just responded strangely and I don't think they know what the heck they CAN do to fix it. So their incompetence is just ignorance as opposed to maliciousness or not caring.

Essemkay, of course we want you here. You are the voice of reason and wisdom when we get overly crazed with the TTC challenge.

Welcome to all the new ladies!! Baby Dust to all!

10 years ago

Well red cd1 brings new beginnings. Txkadams when do you leave for your trip?.miracle saying a prayer for you tomorrow's. Let us know what the scan and test says.
Afm I should start on Wednesday. I will call my 're and pray that he there for my iui. He is going on a week vacation......if not looks like June for me.

10 years ago

I went in for my scan today (day 7 of stims) and I only had 5 eggs that my RE said would be mature for retrieval. He said if it has been 2 or 3 that we would cancel it but since I'm relatively young (34), he wants to go ahead. I cried in my car after I left! I'm so disappointed. It just feel like all of these shots and doctor's appointments were for nothing.

Why didn't they put me on more meds? Why are does all of my bloodwork come back just dandy and then I have egg shortages?

I realize, "it only takes one" but at this point, I could possibly have zero that make it to transfer. So disappointed.

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

Hug pabby don't give up yet.

10 years ago

Aw hugs pabbey. Positive thoughts.

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

Hugs and lots of luck Pabbey

10 years ago

pabbey23 - you never know.

My first IVF, we had 6 follicles that we were expecting to contain mature eggs. They retrieved 8 eggs and I was ecstatic! Then they called the next day and said out of those 8, only 2 were mature, but 2 more matured later. Unfortunately, one of those 4 fertilized abnormally, but we ended up with 3 embryos, transferred 2 and I got pregnant with twins. Sadly, I lost one of the twins, but the other embryo is upstairs sleeping happily in her crib right now. So there's a story of very few embryos, but lots of success.

Also, day 7 of stims is still pretty early. My RE said most people stim for about 10 days. And a LOT can change in a day.

Chin up!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Hang in there Pabbey, I had my first baby from a natural conception aged 38. I'm pretty sure with my low AMH I had just 1 egg (maybe 2?)

Good luck for making embies xxxxx

10 years ago

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