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May IUI/IVF 2014

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Trying to conceive by IUI or IVF either by the first time or not.

300 Replies • 10 years ago



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291 - 300 of 300 Replies

Let me know if there's a June IUI forum. I had my first IUI in February but it did not work and I took a couple months off...between having the flu and being busy and honestly being just as emotionally drained as physically. We decided to try again this month. Taking Letrozole and go back Sunday to have another ultrasound and blood work to determine when the IUI will be. I would love some June buddies.

10 years ago

I created a new board here for June:

Me: 30 DH: 33 TTC since June, 2012 "unexplained infertility" Femera & Ovidrel trigger shot Feb. 2014, March 2014, April 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - May 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - June 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - October 2014

10 years ago

I went in for my THIRD beta today and they just called me back. It seems as if good news comes before noon and bad news comes after noon. It's a dangerous pattern I have figured out. Here are my results:

Beta #1 (16 dpo) - 212
Beta #2 (18 dpo) - 315 :(
Beta #3 (21 dpo) - 716

The test today definitely made me happier, although I'm still not doubling in 48 hours. They are asking that I come in again on Wednesday morning for yet another check. This is so nerve-wracking!!!!!!!

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

pabbey23, I'm so sorry that you're in beta hell! I hope Wednesday stronger good news!

Moving to the June thread ...

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Hey everyone...I am not doing IUI this month, but it is already planned for next month...assuming there is again no baby in there this month :)

We have been TTC for about 17 months. During this time we have lost a twin pregnancy (with one in the tube..costing me the left tube), and 3 more subsequent MCs...last one was in Dec. of 2013. Since then I have had to resolve a cyst and then went on femara with/without triggering since March. The fermara makes me lots of nice eggs, but still no pregnancy. We have 4 living children. I am 34 and hubby is 33.

This month we did femara again, but no trigger (long story) and I am in my TWW now. I am about 4-6 dpo. I do not temp...I have insomnia so it does not work well for me..Ive tried...LOL It actually caused me more stress than it did any good :)

So next month when we move on to IUI..I am curious what to expect? What is the procedure like? Is it painful? If someone could give me a generalized run down of start to finish, that would be great.

We are going to try a few cycles of IUI and if nothing....we will be going back to NTNP.....

10 years ago

hi sumerianmaiden :) im sorry to hear about your losses but welcome to our crazy group.

as far as an IUI its totally painless just like a pap really quick. they stick a little tube thingy that soft u cant feel it. u might have some crampy but nothing too bad. they make u lay down for a bit, my dr made me lay down for just 10mins but everyones different

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

Hi peeps
Was awesome to find a good up to date site, I am 38 and just had my first IUI on 16/06/14 and like some I don't know what some of the slang means, but I also had bad cramping about 2 hours after IUI and it lasted on and off for a good few hours and I couldn't sleep well in bed because I was in agony moving and when I coughed it hurt and this lasted about 2 days, now it's day 5 and getting some different pain really low down and hope it's not a bad thing, plus in really thirsty all the time, I had IUI through using Gonal F and then 1 injection the evening before of something else I can't remember what it was called but it was like a pen with a green top, GL to all trying

10 years ago

Ugh. Couldn't get my husband up to any baby dancing last night - he was in a mood. He gave our daughter sugar for dinner (literally, he gave her cinnamon bun icing - JUST the icing!) and then was surprised that she fought him on bedtime and had a tantrum. So he was in a bad mood, all annoyed with me for going out, and didn't want anything to do with anything that might create another abominable "no" creature!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

welcome to the group bexson :) and lost of baby dust to you! when is AF due?

essemkay i feel like i havent heard from u in awhile :) howve u been? sorry to hear abt the sugar rush last night lol

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

Whoops! Posted in the wrong month!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

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