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May IUI/IVF 2014

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Trying to conceive by IUI or IVF either by the first time or not.

300 Replies • 10 years ago



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So much going on - I can't keep up! Good luck to everyone doing their IUIs and transfers now!

Texas, some people just don't know what to say to adoptive parents. I saw this video a little while ago and thought it might make you feel better about what that person said.

I did a natural cycle this time and am 13 DPO - tested negative this am. I'm thinking I'll do my next IUI in July (our out of town work schedules are too crazy until then).

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10 years ago

@northernbabydream im sorry about your bfn. hoping that everything goes well in July

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10 years ago

I started spotting and cramping today....My boobs are also not sore anymore. I'm sure AF will show her face this weekend. I hate this.....

If she does show. I will be gone for a long time. We have decided to stop medically doing this until we approched IVF. Which wont be until we get closer to 4 1/2-5 years of trying. So we will just see what happens for the next 2 years or so. I'm really going to try and let go some what. I really need too. I'm going to work on my friendships and myself. I feel like i have lost so much of myself to all of this. I have also put so much distance between my freindships that is it hurting them. I need to fix that!

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10 years ago

Stevie26- I'm so sorry. I hate that for you. It's really hard to maintain friendships while going through this process especially if any of your friends have kids of their own or are pregnant while your trying. I've had both...and they don't know how to talk to me sometimes because they are afraid of how I'll react. It's so difficult. I'll be sending you happy thoughts and lots of .

Me: 30 DH: 33 TTC since June, 2012 "unexplained infertility" Femera & Ovidrel trigger shot Feb. 2014, March 2014, April 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - May 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - June 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - October 2014

10 years ago

slgamble- thank you! It is hard. the pregnant ones, I'll try and fix that once they have their i said in another post, Pregnant women are like the pleg to me :) and most of my friends dont have kids. So i'm just going to work on thoughs ones for now and not have such a stick up my booty and chill out.

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10 years ago

Stevi, there are so many people who stop trying and then it just happens. Yes, go fix your friendships because they will be with you for a long time. Hell call up a girlfriend and go have a margarita today!!

AFM, I did my iui today. Getting the donation to the clinic was crazy. DH had to go to work early so he was doing his thing as fast as possible before he left (quickest ever!). Then I had to get to the clinic. There were 5 people in front of me. I swear everyone ovulates the same time I do. The good news is my DH count was up! He doesn't have the best swimmers. In March, post wash he only had 750,000, which called for a regroup with the doc. This time he had 12 million post wash!!!!! The doc said that maybe he remembered how to do it this time. Lol.

There's something about this month that's making me feel good. Trying to not get my hopes up but its hard. So glad its spring and we can go outside to play. It will make the TWW go by quicker.

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Red. I hope that happens. Ive heard of it happening too. Back in april of '11 when i had my EP, we were on a break. A short break but still a break.

Lots of Baby Dust to you and this IUI. That is an amazing Sperm count compared to what it was.

And I'm am doing the drinks tomorrow. We have a friend turning 30 and is doing a pub crawl for the celebration. So i'm going out...Nothing crazy though, unless I really start than i might have a few more than i have in a long time.

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10 years ago

Wow, gone for a day and so many more stories and journeys, some uplifting and some people needing uplifted.

pabbey - I am an irish lass. It's not often I can say that we are having lovely weather but we are being blessed with it at the moment. Had IUI yesterday, BBQ with friends last night, beautiful weather today and an impromptu family BBQ tonight.

BTW - I didn't know how much my boobs would hurt!! Thanks very much, Ovitrelle!! Either no one told me or I just didn't pay any heed, but oh my word!! Supportive sports bra all the way. Not the sexiest but doing the job :)

Glad to have some company on my 2WW. Those of you currently not on your 2WW, hope you're enjoying some fabulously bad-for-you junk food and a big glass of your favourite alcoholic beverage.

10 years ago

My progesterone levels were 17 today Nd they want it about 20, so I am increasing my dose of progesterone in oil shots. Joy. I don't have a good feeling about this. Sigh, one week until our blood hcg.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

Stevie. Best of luck love. But I hope you come back and check in often, y'all ladies have become more like sisters then strangers. RED awesome spremie news! Good luck coming your way. Like Esseme says your pupo!!!!! Smc try to stay positive!!!! Think of baby names.

10 years ago

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