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Anyone got pregnant using pre-seed?

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Hello everyone

I have bought pressed so hoping this is my month to Concieve

Anyone on here got pregnsnt using pre-seed? if you have can you please tell me how you used if and when?

I have finished
My period which started on
The 13th and lasted 6 days do ended on
The 18th.
According to my fertile dates using the calender it says my fertile days are as follows:
23- first 'little fertile today'
24th- fertile today
25th- highly fertile today and Tommorow
26th- day before ovulation
27th- days of ovulation

I had sex Thursdsy 20th and Friday 21st
So when do you think I should have sex next everyday or every two days? And when do I use the preseed? I
Got opk kits do you think
I should use them
Before using preseed? I need help let me know please x

34 Replies • 11 years ago



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my AF is due 11th October according to the chart.
every-time i look on my cycle its correct every month my period comes on the days it says on the calender

so im due AF 11th October, hoping it will not show

so i will be testing on the 10th closer the time the better i wouldn't want to test earlier just incase i get a big fat negative and it will upset me

when are you testing?


11 years ago • Post starter

I think Thursday or Friday, af due wednesday

<a href=

11 years ago

oh thats so close then thats alright

well i really do hope you get your BFP

please keep me updated!

my 2ww wait starts tommorow
i have to keep my mind of things


11 years ago • Post starter

For sure I will keep you posted, I already feel out :(

<a href=

11 years ago

dont say that think positive hun

why do you feel out?


11 years ago • Post starter

I don't know, I think our timing was off, We bd'd Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday (O day) all with preseed, i just think we should have bd'd after O and I think that is what is throughing me off. Along with my short luteal phase. I know some people dont get any symptoms, and some get lots, I am 5dpo i know it is too soon for symptoms to show so I am trying not to think anything of what I am feeling.
And plus, last 2 months were negatives, so I can only assume this month will be too. I am trying to think positive, actually trying not to think of it at all, but I like this website, people ask good questions. so I keep logging on, lol.

<a href=

11 years ago

try and keep thinking positive i know its easier said than done but think positive you get positive!
5 dpo is still early and you could still be pregnant, i dont know much but from what i research i heard having sex before ovulation is best to get pregnant because having sex on ovulation only doesn't seem to get you pregnant.

and so far ive been having sex 2-3 days before ovulation and of course before fertile days too

so im hoping we both get the BFP

ive been waiting for this day and it needs to come in October.

11 years ago • Post starter


Lets Hope October's Our Month!!!

<a href=

11 years ago

Hey, just want to know if you AF Arrived ?

11 years ago • Post starter

From Me? Well I am not 100% I had some cramping yesterday at work, definitely felt like menstral cramp, when i got home from work last night and before bed went to the bathroom, (TMI COMING) I have orangy pink when I up a little while later, had to pee again, and it was pinkish brown, very light.....same thing this morning too....very pale. My period has never come 4 days early, it has been right on time since coming off the pill in JANUARY, but since TTC my cycles for some reason have been all over the place. if this is my period my luteal phase whent from 10-11 down to 5-6 days, can that happen?
I am waiting patiently for wednesday (when it is actually due) I may test tomorrow, i already peed today, lol, i just thought this was our's hoping.

What about you? any symptoms?

<a href=

11 years ago

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