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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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Waitinggame - Sorry you got cancelled but don't give up hope yet! That IUI just might work! Pretty much everyone under-produces on the first ivf, even super producers like me. It's a lot of trial and error and figuring out what protocols work and exactly what doses you need.

I never in a million years thought I would be having this much trouble at such a young age. I am only 27 (but dh is 33) and have had 4 failed iui's and 3 failed ivf's. If I knew it was going to be so hard I would've started when I was 17 instead of being responsible and going on bcp!

ssurra - Good luck starting your stims!

As for me, I have my hysteroscopy and possible scar tissue removal scheduled for the 21st. They originally had me slated for the surgery on April 4th, my first FET date, but that would've pushed the FET to May and I definitely did not want to wait that long. Now it looks like the FET will be the 3rd or 4th week in April if all goes well.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi, Ladies - Any updates?

I started stims and now have a very bruised belly. But otherwise doing pretty well. Occasional dull headaches and minor night sweats -- no biggie. The micro lupron is super easy. I feel like a pro at shots.

10 years ago

Very exciting ssurra... it begins again! Do you always get bruising from the injections, or is it just the lupron? I will most likely be on that the next go around. How long will you be on the lupron before the next phase starts? Luckily I haven't experienced many side effects with the meds (it was more so when they added the clomid in)... although I do have a ton of dreams and I'm a little on the emotional side ;)

I had my IUI on Sunday. We opted for just one. On Friday I asked for another u/s just to see where I ended up and I had two 17's and a 15. I'm staying hopeful and my practice tells me they have seen quite a few women end up pregnant after IVF's converted to IUI's. I'm also going to stick to my normal routine this time and try my best not to think about things... no symptom googling and I'm also going to continue exercising (just nothing to strenuous). My RE said he thinks that's best anyway. If it fails I will most likely start Lupron in May with a mid-June retrieval.

10 years ago

I'll admit I bruise pretty easily (You should see my elbows after all these blood draws), but I mentioned it as an aside to my NP, and she said everyone says the Lupron bruises them. It's funny because it's a really easy shot to give -- it's so tiny. But as soon as I removed the needle, I feel pain.

Good luck! Hopefully this IUI does the trick. :)

10 years ago

How is everyone?! ssurra - are things moving along for you?

I'm taking my dreaded first HPT tomorrow morning - 12dpiui. Does anyone else get so much anxiety before them?! I can't even sleep the night before and it's all I think about. I try to imagine a positive, yet prepare myself for the negative. I've tried so hard this past time not to symptom check, but the last couple days, I've definitely found myself searching boards, like always! I will say, I have an odd "good feeling" about this one though. I have felt quite a bit of pressure and a few little cramps this time too, so who knows. Then of course I have some other symptoms, but I know they are just from the progesterone.

I already have another appointment scheduled with my RE for next Friday though to talk about the next IVF protocol in detail.

The semi good news... we are actually leaving for Aruba on Sunday, so if it is negative, bring on the beach drinks!

10 years ago

Hi thewaitinggame -- Yes, things are moving along here! I have tons of follicles and my estrogen is soaring. I'm on the "go every day" monitoring plan right now. Thinking trigger Sunday for Tuesday retrieval. We'll see! I'm so ready for the next step.

Fingers crossed for your test!!

Enjoy your vacation!! That's terrific, and a great chance to hit reset on your life and your body, too!

10 years ago

I've never really gotten the dread anxiety but I do get super like excited anxious to wake up and test. Sometimes I get up at like 2am and am like can I just test now? I am a poas addict though and never make it past like 9dpo for my first hpt!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

I hope you don't mind if I join in your group. It looks like IVF is in our future so I really want to get into a support group...My Dr recommends it lol. My story of fertility issues is long but I will give you the short version. I have had 2 miscarriages 9 years apart. Due to my age and the length of time in between my Dr sent me to a fertility specialist. I ended up finding out that I have a clotting disorder that causes me to miscarry, at the time that was the only issue. My husband is military so he deployed for eight months, when he got home we did two rounds iui which failed. The very next month we found out we were pregnant..all natural. We went for our first sonogram on April 7 which showed my baby was ectopic, I had surgery that night. I lost my right tube completely and now the Dr found that my left tube is blocked by a large cyst. Basically she told me my uterus and ovaries are great so my best option is ivf. My first thought is how are we going to afford it!! I know God has a plan I'm just trying to take the right road. Any advice would be appreciated. We are moving in July so I'm not sure when we will start this journey but the sooner the better!

10 years ago

Welcome! Having an online support community has been so important to my IVF/infertility journey. Not many of my non-online friends have gone through what I've had to go through and just have a hard time understanding. It's great to have a support system to talk to on here when you need to with people who are going through similar situations.

I have PCOS and rarely ovulate on my own, although my ovaries are functional and tubes are open, and my DH has severe MFI with low count and low motility. I am just about to have my 4th ivf transfer tomorrow. We have been trying for a little over 6 years ourselves. DH and I tried for 3 years on our own, another year with 7 rounds of clomid that were all bfn, another year with 4 iui rounds that were all bfn and then this last year I have done 4 rounds of ivf which included 2 fresh retrieval cycles and 2 frozen cycles. Out of my first 3 ivf rounds, 2 led to early miscarriages. This current cycle is a frozen transfer.

If you have any questions about IVF please feel free to ask. Unfortunately I am an expert. Not something I ever wanted to be an expert about but it is what it is.

As far as affording IVF, those numbers can be pretty overwhelming. We were lucky to qualify for an IVF refund program. We paid $15,000 up front, which my in-laws helped pay for, and we get 3 fresh rounds and 3 frozen. We have paid about another $5,000 for meds/travel expenses. If at the end of the 6 rounds we do not have a baby we get 75% of the initial payment back. If the clinic you go to has a program like this I highly recommend it. IVF does not always work the first try, or 2nd or 3rd in my case, and you may need several tries. Your clinic may even have discounts if you pay for multiple cycles up front without the refund guarantee.

You can also look into clinics in your area and check to see if they are running clinical trials that you might qualify for. These are normally free with participants paying just travel/accommodation expenses. There are also several international programs that may be cheaper than what you can find in your area, it's called medical tourism and is another option. Of course, there is always the regular methods of spending a year or so to save money for the treatments, use credit cards or get loans.

Depending on where you live: Remember that if your medical expenses exceed 10% of your income (if you are in the US) the money you pay out of pocket is tax deductible. Many states also have grant programs (I live in NY which did not have a grant program at the time I started treatment but they did several years ago).

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness..I'm sorry for all your going through as well. Yes none of my friends or family members have any issues so it makes it difficult to talk about. Yes the price and the whole process is overwhelming. We are moving in July as my husband has orders for recruiting duty so I will have to start all over and we do not yet know where we are moving. I have heard about the refund program and there is a clinic here in NC that does offer it so I'm going to talk with them. I have an appointment in May for another hsg test, my fertility specialist wants to make sure my tube is blocked since he did not do my surgery and the Dr that did didn't take pics of the tube with the cyst. I'm just praying for a miracle and that the cyst has ruptured. If not IVF well be our next stop. Thank you for the info I'm sure I will have tons of questions if we do proceed. Good luck to you and I hope you get your baby soon!

10 years ago

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