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July IUI/IVF 2014

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TTC in July 2014

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Ok my friends now think I have issues... I just screamed yes! Thank you Lord !!!!!
You see I went to restroom..... and I had egg white cm!!!!

9 years ago

So as you all know my iui was this morning. It was totally pain free. Til about 2 hours afterwards. Since then my ovaries have been aching. No cramps per say....just a full achey uncomfortable feeling in both ovaries.

Is this normal and to be expected???

9 years ago

Maybe it's the trigger and you are ovulating?

9 years ago

I don't think it was the trigger. It has never given me any issues. It stings a tiny bit when it goes in, but that's it. I have never gotten sore spots from it or irritation or other side effects that are unusual. The doc told me it can mimic PG symptoms cuz its HcG. So usually what I feel after the trigger is similar to that.

I never get O even on the months I popped 5 or 6 follies.

I am still pretty achey in the right ovary area today. But the left feels fine. I also feel a little full and bloated. But I did have Chinese yesterday so its probably gas. LOL :-p

I do worry about my right tube, though. Although we know its good...I have already had one tubal in this TTC journey that ultimately cost me the left tube. So I am very on edge about it happening again....

The doc said cramping afterwards would be normal. Luckily I have no cramps, but still overall feel like absolute shit. I did have a real bad TN flare up last night so I am sure that's not helping. Gonna try and get the hubby to give me some more later this afternoon just to cover my bases. Should have done it this AM when we woke, but yeah..I am not a morning all. LOL

Idk if its just me...but yesterday the doc was like absolutely no HPTs until 2 weeks from today. And although I agreed...inside I was thinking yeah right. LOL I know what DPO the trigger is usually gone for yeah I will definitely be testing before 14dpiui! :-p

9 years ago

Opk still negative today, but I have been getting light brief cramps and ew cm. So I go in tomorrow for another scan, and I hope the trigger shot. I pray for two or three. Due to school starting in August, it will be hard to try that month. First weeks of pre-k are ROUGH.

9 years ago

Texas: Good luck tomorrow and I hope your follies have gotten to the right size so you can trigger! Let us know how it goes.

Feeling better tonight, but uterus still feels kinda hard and full. But I am sure that's all part of the game.

Not looking forward to starting that progesterone Tues night/Wed. morning. I hate that stuff. Its SO leaky and messy :( But if that's what it takes, then so be it!

9 years ago

Thanks Sumerian. I am nervous. I just really need a good result. I will post when I get out. I hope that you feel better soon. I my first iui was nuts. Did not hurt but my body and mind played with my head, so I understand what u feel. Try warm bath, and a romantic movie. :) tell hubby it's time for a back rub.

9 years ago

Sumerian - Yes, after IUIs I always felt so bloated and icky. It does get better!

Texas - You teach Pre-K? I am an assistant principal at an elementary school. When I think about how the first few weeks of Kinder are so tough, I can only imagine what Pre-K must be like!

 IAmPregnant Ticker

9 years ago

It's a nut house. But I ADORE my job. Could not imagine anything else. My babies, until I have my own. My opk turned very positive today. I wonder what doc will say and if he will still do the shot.

9 years ago

I'd still get the shot, but get it ASAP. The shot will make you ovulate all the follicles instead of just the lead one I think. Ask doc and let us know what he says.

9 years ago

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