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March 2017

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Well CD1 again for me. I was hoping to stay in the February group but a late ovulation pushed me just out.
Last month was emotional as I had a lot of different symptoms than previous months. Also had some excitement at the end the to a longer cycle than I'm used to. I'm really hopeful for this cycle as it will be my 4th month trying and I will be doing natural insemination with my donor to hopefully increase my chances.
Anyone have any other tricks to try? Maybe epo or red raspberry leaf tea? Anyone used those? I used preseed last cycle and will be using it again this time.
Last month my insemination timing got messed up as I injured my back on expection ovulation day and ended up ovulating 2 days late. Hoping for no complications this month.

212 Replies • 8 years ago



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Are you checking mucous up at the cervix or just going by whats in your underwear? I was doing then latter and didn't realize that there is a whole ton of mucous that just hangs out right around the cervix and you won't know its there unless you go digging. If you aren't finding it with just a sweep try 'milking' the cervix gently to see if you can get some that way.
I only had one or two days of actual ewcm, otherwise it's thick and creamy before and watery during ov and then very little creamy after

7 years ago • Post starter

Fruit...I'm really sorry for AF showing, I hope you feel better soon. I'm cd 3 and finally feeling better. Had zero energy yesterday. Got my Vitex and cassava supplements in the mail today and I'm going to get those started and also got my supply of OPKs and hpts. Will eat my pineapple once O happens

I agree, temping helps but checking cervix gives a lot of inform as well. I'm a nurse so it doesn't bother me to check myself but you can always use gloves if you feel uncomfortable. At first it seemed strange and didn't know exactly what I was feeling but then through out the month I could feel the difference in my cervix. Pretty neat.

7 years ago

Chicks cheetah- i ordered vitex yesterday and hope it doesn't take long for me to get. If this month is another bfn then I'm going to start taking it the day AF arrives. I'm also taking it in hopes of helping ease my PMS.

7 years ago

What is vitex? I doing epo this month as well as my prenatal and preseed. Epo is suppose to help increase fertile cm so I'm hoping thats all the help I need since then last few months ice only had a couple days of ewcm. If I can get fertile mucous a few days earlier then maybe timing will be less crucial if I have late ov again.

7 years ago • Post starter

It's a supplement that helps with balancing your hormones which helps with things like keeping your cycles regular. Some women have seen it help with fertility because ovulation was easier to predict and the balanced hormones made it easier for women to release the egg. My cycles are super irregular and would love to see some improvement. Although most say you need to take the supplement for at least a month before it can reach full effect.

7 years ago

Vitex is a beautiful shrub native to Greece and Italy whose berries have been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It is considered one of the most popular herbs in Europe and other Western nations for the support of gynecological imbalances.
Modern clinical research and traditional use of Vitex have shown its amazing ability to help balance fertility hormones. Since Vitex does not contain hormones, it has a supportive, gentle and non direct action on the body. Vitex is one of the most useful fertility herbs available to us.

How Vitex Works
Our current understanding of Vitex is that it has a supporting and regulating effect upon the pituitary gland. The pituitary is known as the “master gland” because it controls many vital bodily functions such as sending chemical signals to the ovaries, telling them how much hormones to make. This communication is known as the hormonal feedback loop.

Inhibit follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): Vitex increases the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn increases progesterone.
Lengthens a short luteal phase: Studies have shown Vitex to be effective at lengthening the luteal phase. While it does not contain any hormones itself, it does help the body to increase its own production of luteinizing hormone (promoting ovulation to occur), which in turns boosts progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the cycle.

Increased progesterone levels: Vitex has been shown to stimulate the formation of the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is responsible for the secretion of progesterone. In a study of 45 women, 86% responded positively with normalized or significantly improved progesterone levels.

Reduces advancement of mild endometriosis: Vitex is used in Germany by gynecologists to treat mild endometriosis and prevent it from advancing.

May help prevent miscarriage: Vitex has a beneficial impact on progesterone levels. If miscarriages are due to low progesterone, Vitex may help to normalize or increase progesterone levels. Vitex may be considered safe to use during pregnancy, but make sure to consult with a healthcare practitioner when using this herb during pregnancy. Also make sure to read our ‘Use During Pregnancy’ section below.

Relieves PMS: Clinical research has shown that Vitex may be very beneficial for PMS symptoms, especially depression, headaches, rashes, acne, allergies and sensitivity of the breasts. In one study improvement of PMS by the first month was experienced by 32% of the women. By the third month 84% of the women experienced improvement of their PMS.

Lack of menstruation (amenorrhea): In a study of 15 women with amenorrhea, 65% had resumed a menstrual cycle by the sixth month of use. Progesterone levels also increased.

Irregular menstruation: Vitex has been shown to help balance both an absent menstrual cycle as well as aid a menstrual cycle that is heavy or too frequent.

Uterine cysts: Vitex has been found to be helpful at reducing cysts that are growing within the smooth muscle layer of the uterus.

Stabilization of menstruation after stopping birth-control pills: After discontinuing estrogen-containing birth control pills, Vitex taken for several months has been shown to help stabilize the cycle and induce ovulation more quickly.

Helps stimulate milk production in new mothers: For over 2,000 years Vitex has been used to help stimulate mother’s milk. Begin using Vitex right after birth and continue for 10 days or more as needed.

Acne: Several studies have shown an improvement in the skin with the use of Vitex. Along with appropriate diet changes Vitex may help acne.

Most hormone related issues that disappear once pregnancy begins and then return after breastfeeding ends can be supported by the use of Vitex.

How to Use Vitex
For optimal results Vitex should be taken long-term. Clinical research shows that Vitex may start working within 10 days, but full benefits may not be experienced until 6 months or longer. For PMS, results are normally seen by the second menstrual cycle, but for lasting changes it may need to be taken for up to a year or more depending on how long the imbalance has been present.

Vitex is making fundamental changes in the delicate chemistry of the body, this is why it takes some time to have an effect. Since Vitex is a harmonizing and nourishing herb, it works behind the scenes to restore balance in a gentle way. Unlike a refined synthetic drug which forces the body to change, Vitex works to nourish and support the system bringing about long term balance.

Vitex Use & Dosage
Vitex is generally suggested to be taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach (half an hour before breakfast). If Vitex is being used as part of an herbal blend containing other herbs, use as directed on the bottle. Vitex should be used all month long without a break.

Capsules: 900-1,000mg a day
Tincture: 60-90 drops a day
Which is the best Vitex to take?
Vitex comes in many forms, loose herbs, capsules, tea, tincture and powder. We find that capsules and tincture offer the most consistent results since it is easier to control the dosage. Many of the compounds needed from Vitex are easily extracted in alcohol (tincture) versus water (tea). Vitex is very strong tasting, almost bitter, so I would not suggest making a tea unless you blend other herbs with it, that is one reason capsules are so convenient.

Does Vitex Work for Everyone?
Vitex generally works for most adult women in their childbearing years (from age 18-perimenopause), but there are some cases where it may have no effect.

7 years ago

Thanks supermom
I have pretty stable lp at 13-14 days. Never had it shorter or longer. And I usually ovulate within 3 days every month (CD11-14) so I think I don't need it for that. I think my issue might just be lack of adequate fertile fluid and or poor insemination timing. Giving it two chances this cycle that started today and taking epo to increase fertile mucous along with using preseed and taking my prenatal. Getting bloodwork next week right around the end of af so is there any blood work that could be done around that time to give any indications on fertility? Or should I ask for an ultrasound appt around ovulation to see if my follicles are maturing?
I track my temps, cervix and mucous so I have a pretty good idea. My issue is my body seems to gear up to ov (pos opk) and then I get another two or three days later when it actually releases. In thinking maybe my eggs aren't maturing properly which is why I get two surges

7 years ago • Post starter

I have had PMDD for many years. Hx of cyst. BC pills help and have taken antidepressants to help with the mood changes but nothing really works. I'm a lot better than I use to be. Doc will not let me take BC pills much longer since I'm 42. So after I get pg with this little bean I will probably have a hysterectomy

7 years ago

Fruit I check both ways and feel I probably milk my cervix . I've always had EWCM and didn't have to go searching . Now searching and nada

7 years ago

Wow lots of creamy cm today at 6 dpo... I hope that this is a good sign

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7 years ago

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