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Miscarriage at 8 weeks

Hi all, just suffered a miscarriage after being almost 8 weeks pregnant. I'm wondering if anyone has any info on how soon it is considered safe to start trying again. Some forums say straight away is fine, others are saying 3 months or more. Does anyone have any personal experience on this? Also, my miscarriage was natural, I have not had too have a D&C. My levels had dropped to 5000 when I miscarried, wonder how long it will take for them to drop to zero. We can't wait to fall pregnant again.

9 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1 - 9 of 9 Replies

Sweetie, I am so sorry for your loss
I wish I knew the answer for this Q.

I would say just slow down and take care of yourself since you want this next little one to stick!!

Perhaps wait a month..use condoms to give your body a rest?

That's my suggestion. Best of Luck!!!!

And may your little come back soon!

 BabyFruit Ticker

12 years ago

So very sorry for your loss! I too had a mc in july (at 6 wks, natural/spontaneous). I just changed OBs and had a appt with the new one. All doctors prob have a diferent philosophy as you will here a different suggestion from every women who ever experienced a mc. This, to me, suggests that it is a really personal decision that YOU have to make for yourself and your partner. My new dr spoke to me about how I was feeling about the possibility of another preg. So soon after mc, and I told her I'm completely open to the idea. She told me that it was my decision to make, to discuss my felings w dh and go from there. I truly don't believe there is any medical reason for waiting after natural mc (d&c may be a different story) other than inconvenience of finding dates.

I'm on cycle day 45 post mc still awaiting AF or BFP. I decided to just see what happens...hopefully it all worksitself out. I hope I helped you in making your decision...its a very emotional decision. Good luck and again, so sorry for your loss!

12 years ago

Hi. I am so sorry for your loss. It is the most painful thing. I had a miscarriage in May at 8 weeks also and it is a tough pill to swallow. I wanted to give you hope that it can happen again quickly. we waited until I got my next period but I had some cysts from the crazy hormones so dr put me on birth control for a month. we got off and started trying again in July and then got pregnant in August. I am currently in my 5th week. When I had my loss I really liked hearing of people who got pregnant super fast. It gave me hope that it could happen to me too and it did. So keep your head up and start trying when you feel ready. I will say it is different this time around. I am not letting myself get too excited yet and there is still pain from the loss. If you are ready for it though then go for it! baby dust heading your way.

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12 years ago

Hi hun,

I had a m/c last sept at the same time and same conditions (8 weeks and no D&C) I am so sorry to hear about your loss, a m/c really is one of the worst things a woman can go through.

As for the trying again... doctors say 3 months only so you know your timing, no medical reason. (That info comes directly from my doctors - 2 of them!) They do say it's better to wait for your period (some women I guess do ovulate before... tho not sure how as m/c bleeding is NOT af) as soon as you have a normal period tho it is perfectly safe to start trying again.

I will be right there with you cause I just suffered my second m/c so if you need someone to talk to I'm here


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12 years ago

Thank you so much, you beautiful ladies. It moved me so much to read your replies and I am really overwhelmed that people who don't even know me, care so much.
I have had many moments, while out at cafe's etc, gazing at pregnant women and women with babies, with a new appreciation of the different journeys every woman goes through.
I ovulated on Friday (9th) which I am so pleased about - obviously my cycles are going back to normal really quickly - I am counting down the days to AF. Never thought I'd be so excited about getting my period! We have decided to wait until after AF comes for the first time, just to give my body time to heal and I plan on being super healthy over the next 4 weeks in preparation.
If we are lucky enough to fall pregnant next month, I will then be roughly 5 weeks when we travel to Thailand at the end of October. What do you ladies think about that? If that is the case, we will just stay close to the resort - spend time at the resort and beach, no crazy adventures. Has anyone travelled overseas during early pregnancy?
How are you all going? Please keep me posted.
Thank you again xox

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Tammy,

I am so glad to hear things are going well and that your cycles seem to be going back to normal quickly!

As for your travel plans, I would check with your doctor before you go and make sure you have any vaccinations, and take all precautions necessairy. (some places you shouldnt drink the water, or eat certian things when you are preggo) I hope you have a great trip!!

AFM - I am STILL bleeding (3.5 weeks later) Saw my doc on Friday and he did some bloodwork, so I will see him again tomorrow morning to get the results. I am hoping this past week has been af starting, and that nothing is wrong. The last thing I want is to have to get more surgery and wait even longer before we can start ttc again!

Hope all is well with you!


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12 years ago

Joy you are in my thoughts, i hope it's af visiting you too! When will you find out? It's such a test of patience isn't it? The whole process is testing! You are a very strong woman and I'm sure the doctor will give you some good news soon.
Tammy xxx

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Tammy,

I should find out tomorrow morning whats going on. My doctors apt is at 8:40am, so I should know soon!! I am keeping my that this is just af... the test should tell that.

Hope all is well with you!

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12 years ago

Counting down to AF! Only 2 days to go - if I'm right with my calculations and estimation of ovulating.

Have been super moody, cranky, weepy and irritable over the last two days, which is making me think AF has packed her bags and is on her way..

12 years ago • Post starter

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