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Not freaking out a symptom?

I know it may sound weird but I just started my TWW (I think) and I feel completely calm this month. I don't want to say I don't care but that's the closest thing to what I'm feeling. Anyone kinda get this 'at peace with whatever happens' feeling the month they got their BFP?

Don't get me wrong I want it more this month than ever, would love to be able to give my husband a BFP for xmas... however I just feel ... not at all stressed... haven't been symptom watching or even trying to. I just don't know if that's a good sign or a bad sign.

10 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 10 of 10 Answers


Absolutely. This is exactly what happened to us this past cycle. After 16 unsuccessful medicated cycles it was the final attempt TTC #5 (I am 48). I was completely at peace with it all, had no symptoms during the TWW, and had no expectations of any sorts. And there it was, a positive pregnancy test at the dr's office.... I hope you will have such a wonderful surprise soon. Best wishes and the Lord's blessings.

9 years ago

100% yes. No physical symptoms and being relaxed about it as you describe is my no. 1 sign that I'm up the duff. And yes every month I try and tell myself I'm calm and indifferent but unless I am actually pregnant I am just pretending! Every time I've had a bfn I've been beside myself in the tww. Every time I've had a bfp I've been truly serene. It's early so you might start freaking out in a few days but fx'd you stay eerily calm and get your bfp! :)

9 years ago

That's good to hear. I hate like saying, "I don't care" because I obviously do but don't. I don't say it in an indifferent way just a 'floaty' way lol. Sounds weird. I don't know one thing we did different this month was using pre-seed so I don't know if that has something to do with it but I feel like my uterus is like happy lol. Just feels all so calm. (me not my uterus)

I've been trying to get into symptom watching but i just can't... i just sit here and be happy. The only twinge of anxiety and excitement I get is thinking that I might be and that I could let my husband know on xmas but even that I'm kinda ... chill about.

But I agree I just started the TWW so it could all turn around but usually I'm on here 2 dpo picking symptoms and right now I'm just content :-) hope it stays that way regardless of the result. It is nice to not be a crazy symptom checker for once.

9 years ago • Post starter

Haha! I am actually jealous of you right now! I truly believe I am out because at 10dpo I am a complete fruitcake! Fx'd this is it for you and you float right through to the best Xmas ever! :)

9 years ago

Nice to know someone is feeling the same. I'm 9dpo not really symptom spotting feeling relaxed and calm compared to last month I was crazy lol! I Was Begining to think I'd changed my mind!lol xx

9 years ago

Me too! I am super chilled this month. Still erly to tell as I am only 2dpo but I have told myself if it's meant to happen it will happen whether I freak out or not so I may as well just relax. I feel good nd won't be buying tests until I miss af :)

Jinan (5-Aug-2008), Yunus (4-march-2014) , my angel bean (24-may-2013), angel bean 27/nov/14, angel bean 29/dec/14 User Image

9 years ago

Hahaha nursingmoto!! The month I conceived my 2 y.o I too was so relaxed I thought I'd changed my mind!!

9 years ago

Whoops, I should have added unlike my unsuccessful cycles I didn't even test as I couldn't be bothered!

9 years ago

I just got my fist positive at 10dpo!being relaxed must have been a sign for me!hope it works for you too

9 years ago

Still no bfp but also no af. Still feeling pretty chill except that I feel like I am pregnant but afraid to hope. But not really getting into the symptoms thing. Tho today I got the weirdest symptom... This feeling washed over my abdomen like I had rubbed icy hot on my uterus somehow and it's been there all day. If it wasn't such a prominent symptom though I would just be chill still. Grats on your bfp! I still have fingers crossed!

9 years ago • Post starter

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