What women are saying

4 days past ovulation

Page 95

Erika515  11 years ago
Mild af like cramps along with ramdon sharp, stabbing pains. Only lasts a few seconds.


murjes81  11 years ago
heartburn for the last 3 days, tired, bloated and gassy, mild cramps, mild nausea


KElrod1031  11 years ago
Tired, was slightly constipated this morning, then had diarrhea like 3-4 hours later. Got a little bit nauseous after eating lunch.




DivaRivas  11 years ago
Bloated, gassy, cm....thats about it.


RedHeadedMe  11 years ago
Incredibly sore breasts, even more sore nipples. Slight discharge. Tired, moody, irritable, cramps, gassy, anxious.


Babydust#4  11 years ago
4Dpo Tired, irritable, bloated, gassy


tamtam251  11 years ago
very tired aching boobs mild cramps in belly slight nausea to


krunchie29  11 years ago
feeling very sick and bad headache all day


optimistic1  11 years ago
frequent urination, site boobs, hungry, tired, very irritable, sweaty, cm, very tender nipples they may have even gotten bigger.


mickellwife  11 years ago
heavy and bloated feeling in belly, frequent urination, lower back pain


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