What women are saying

4 days past ovulation

Page 32

ItsMsGerfin  8 years ago
Heavy Breasts, Sore Breasts, indigestion, fatigued , slight headache


Luna13  8 years ago
Sensitive nipples, bad heartburn, slight headache, fatigue


KimKatSlaughter  8 years ago
I have all of these! Ah!




tasha0918  8 years ago
pressure, a little nausea, feeling kinda sick


Anastasia999  8 years ago
I feel tired but no other symptoms as such!


juanita78  8 years ago
nothing major. left pelvic pain at times.


owenator2013  9 years ago
Cramps and backache since ovulation. 4DPO feel like I got hit by a truck, almost flu-like feelings. still crampy and feel like I gained 50#s


owenator2013  9 years ago
Cramps and backache since ovulation. 4DPO feel like I got hit by a truck, almost flu-like feelings. still crampy and feel like I gained 50#s


Momma47123  9 years ago
Occasional lower back aching, itchy right breast. Otherwise nothing!


wmleslieosborn  9 years ago
very tired, slept on my lunch break


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