What women are saying

6 days past ovulation

Page 148

mamadukes  11 years ago
Very runny nose today, nausea


desertgirl  11 years ago
sleeping alot, sore nipple (but only one side - so weird), constipation, gas, increased cm, stuffy nose


Mareyah  11 years ago
On and off twinges or right side, lower back ache, and fuller boobs. Baby Dust to everyone :)




xCottonxCandyx  11 years ago
Well, I've had a non stop headache, on and off AF like cramps, sex hurts, a lot of nausea but no vomiting, moody, somewhat tender boobs..


khloebuggsmamattc  11 years ago
sharp twinges on & off for 3-4 days,HEADACHES,backaches,lotiony cm yesterday & a lot more of it today


Deej1020  11 years ago
Headache, lower and upper backaches, mild cramping, leg aches, stuffy nose, tired, and GAS!


kwanda  11 years ago
6dpo!!! after pee i had a bad cramping like AF, emotional,tiredness,CM is milky, moody too....baby dust.


MandaMarie83  11 years ago
Bloating, achy hips, back & legs, anxious, headache, runny/stuff nose, dizziness/light headed, increased saliva, dry/cotton mouth


farmgal72  11 years ago
hungry, tired....vivid dreams, sore nipples...


Readyforbaby2  11 years ago
Exhausted, sore and heavy breasts, moody, headache


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