What women are saying

5 days past ovulation

Page 124

tamtam251  11 years ago
tiredness cramps hot flashes


Uraniangirl  11 years ago
mild cramps, tingling breast like they fulling up with milk, back ache, loss of appetite


devinsmom414  11 years ago
fluttery feeling in abdomen, upset tummy, headache, sore nips and armpits?




funkyredmonkey  11 years ago
tender breasts especially at the sides,not recorded in previous cycles.


RJlove  11 years ago
Cramps, full feeling, frequent urination and a runny nose -__-


FrenchFry11  11 years ago
cramps and gurgles...other than that quite day


Coopermum4  11 years ago
Tired, very tender nipples, mild cramps on and off...bit sniffly.


applebottom  11 years ago
vivid dreams, stuffy nose, cm, lower abdo pain


ravenmickey  11 years ago
bloated, gassy, heavy feeling in abdomen, basically feel like period is on its way


jenkroll  11 years ago
VERY tired and run down, nauseous for a few hrs this morning


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