What women are saying

6 days past ovulation

Page 122

tamtam251  11 years ago
Lower back pain itchy breast gassy pelvic pressure


charlie00134  11 years ago
Cramps and painful twinges. irritability


Luvbugg1981  11 years ago
sore nipples, tired, CM, metalic taste, cramps, runny nose




HappyRN  11 years ago
Super thirsty! Breasts still tender. Hungry shortly after eating.


WOFFTT  11 years ago
Pain in the side of Left Breast, Itchy Nipple on the Left Breast, Gassy, Irritability,Heartburn, Some Creamy CM, Pelvic Sensitivity


colomrican04  11 years ago
tired, gassy, headache, and cravings.


JESSTREW  11 years ago
Feeling pretty fatigued today and a little bloated. Also having some sensitivity in my nipples.


chels7631  11 years ago
I'm soooooooooooo tired! And could eat everything in sight. Lets hope this is baby #2!!!!


Firsttimemama  11 years ago
Very tired! And I get from 0 to starving very fast!!!! Please let it be this month


sabrina_baby  11 years ago
few twinges in my left ovary and nothing else


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