What women are saying

12 days past ovulation

Page 108

melly2  11 years ago
Spotting stopped, headache, nausea.


janesheeba  11 years ago
extremely bloated, very tired, AF like cramps come & go, hungry ALWAYS, peeing a LOT, very thirsty


jennybug  11 years ago
so happy for those of you that received your BFP! God bless you and your miracle~!




jennybug  11 years ago
gassy, fatigue, hungry, frequent urinantion, thirst, vivid dreams. i took a test at 11dpo 2nd test was faulty!


lindzbeut3  11 years ago
bfp!!! sore boobs, cramps on both sides, frequent urination, exhaustion, moody, gassy.


Roxysolis01  11 years ago
No more spotting, breasts feel full,ewcm kind of watery at times, lower backache, nipples are a little sore..bfn!


mommy120131  11 years ago
lower back pain, nausea, watery discharge with spotting that lasted a day and negative home test


elsamere  11 years ago
cramps, nauseated, very very sore nipples.


Bigbabybump  11 years ago
cramping and bloated, constipated and back pain


mags80  11 years ago
stomach churned in the morning but put it down to the smell of gone of chicken. other than that not a thing.


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