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Posts by holame

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



male fertility drugs

my dh had SA done and he was diagnosed with low sperm count and motility he is on fertilaid for men for almost ...

7 Replies      

Latest 8 years ago



what can regulate af?

I had my af in Oct 21st, in Nov 21st again which is nt common to have a 32circle. Nw am in CD 27, am expecting ...

1 Reply      

Latest 10 years ago





af changes dates again

I need alot of help. My af for d month of oct started day 21 and af is expected again Nov 17 bt i was 4 days l ...

5 Replies      

Latest 10 years ago



Pregnacy symptoms

I had my af sept 23, ovulated oct 3. Three days ago i started feeling funny, my boobs swollen and painful, my ...

5 Replies      

Latest 10 years ago



Am confused with ovulation

I had a 28days circle last month sept 23-26 and i stil got spotting for another two days, oct 2nd i had a very ...

1 Answer      

Latest 11 years ago



what can cause early ovulation?

Af start sept 23-26 28days circle and now ovulation came cd 11-12. Oct 3-4. Am confused. Its too early. :sad_2 ...

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago





fertility drugs

Do you know any fertility drugs that can help in concieving except for clomid?

2 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago



how can you cope with clomid side effect?

User Image:sad_2: :baby_dust: :baby_dust:

2 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago



my ttc story

I got married on sept 25,2010. After dh and i came bck on our honeymoon we decided to try for a baby bt all to ...


Latest 11 years ago



when will clomid symptoms stop?

When wil clomid symptoms stop?

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago