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3rd time baby!!! Hoping for baby number 3.

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Mother to 2 beautiful boys. 3 year old and 11 mother old.
Now we are hoping for number 3! After 2 boys we would love a girl, so we are trying all the healthy baby gender swaying techniques. If anyone has tried these and had success please let us know and even if they didnt work.
Any tips and knowledge would b great.
A girl would be amazing, if we have another boy it would be amazing, healthy baby is the most important part about our journey. Heres hoping to a BFP SOON!!!

130 Replies • 7 years ago



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Morning all,

AF arrived 1 day late for me today.
I'm so glad she didn't keep me waiting too long. Knew I was out for the last couple of days - nothing regarding any symptoms so just wanted to start a new cycle. i was really honest with myself regarding the ss and hope it will be a good control cycle for next month.

Good luck to everyone who is still waiting in the tww. Maybe next month will be lucky for me. Cant wait to hear all the news soon.

F x

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7 years ago

today soo happy and shocked. Never thought i would be this month! I thought for sure we were out this month! As we were really bad at hitting the right days think we did bed on ovu? But we kinda were interuppted so didnt finish bedding so thought we wudnt get pregnant. But we bedded 4 days and 2 days before ovu. so very shocked!
For1118 sorry af arrived hopefully this new cycle you will conceive! we are here for u keep us updated. look forward to hearing of all of your

7 years ago • Post starter

Woo hoo novalunar123 - happy days
So delighted for you - exciting times ahead for you guys. You'll have to keep me updated on how things are going. What is you EDD? This is the first time I've actually joined a forum (didn't with my other two) and it is proving fun & good craic.
I knew things didn't feel different and that af was on her way - but will def try to opk properly and try smep this month. Fingers crossed for this month.

Hopefully galore on here soon.

F x

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7 years ago

Trying for baby #3 here! We have two boys already and are fine with boy or girl. My older sister and brother both have had two boys as well so we shall see if I can break the streak. I do not believe blood pressure has anything to do with the gender of your baby as mine is always low 105/67 and I have two boys while both my siblings have much higher blood pressure even with medication and have two boys each. Hoping I know my body better this time around as it took 8-10 months to get pregnant with my boys. Congratulations to those that got their bfp this month and baby dust to those waiting!

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7 years ago

Thank you for1118 so happy. Still cant believe it.
Having my emotions kick in today. Had a cry over the fact i cant feed my youngest whos 13 months . I fed my eldest til he was 17 months wen i got pregnant. The reason i stop wen im pregnant as theres the chance of mc while feeding your uterus contracts, due to me havn a mc im high risk. And i love breastfeeding. Just catch 22. Goodluck this month for1118.
Hey mmkohl welcome i dnt think theres a connection either with the blood pressure. As mines always been either bit on the low side or perfect. We are the same if our little bean is a girl be icing on the cake but more than happy for another boy. Love my boys so much. Plus they def are mummys boys lol
We were aiming to sway it. But think we messed up doin the shettles method. Oops! as long as the baby is healthy thats the main thing

7 years ago • Post starter

Didnt finish post. Little one hit send. just wanna say good luck everyone. hope i hear more soon. Oh my edd is 6th december xmas baby. We booked to take the boys away for a wk in November. So hope i can still go. Its the xmas kingdom in Bluestones. Its Like a centre parcs. Water slides fun activities xmas stuff. So fingers crossed b ok for that.

7 years ago • Post starter

NOVALUNA123 both of my boys are December babies so I'm hoping this is my fertile time! If I was to get pregnant this cycle my EDD is December 28th! My first is a 12-12-12 baby (did not plan that) and my second was due Jan. 16 and came 12-18-14! Christmas season has been busy around here the last 4 years so why not add one more to the December bunch!?!?!the doctor I saw for my second ones 36th week appointment accidentally put me in labor by checking to see if my son was still breach. Never saw her again and never plan to see her again. She wasn't my normal OB. Thankfully my little guy was fully cooked and good to go! You should be fine to do your trip in November as long as you take it easy! Love December babies. It's such a cozy time to have a baby with your loved ones all around for the holidays! Best of wishes to you and your growing family!

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7 years ago

Im bleeding. I cant believe it! im blaming myself as i have had to feed my 1 yr old due to my breast engoring, to avoid mastitis.only once each morning. I am goin up the hospital in a bit. I will fill you all in. perhaps it was a chemical pregnancy? Who knws find out after the hospital. Im numb

7 years ago • Post starter

Im waitin in A&E. So scared.

7 years ago • Post starter

Just got back from A&E took my blood my hcg is only 18! So really low. Still bleeding booked in for next wk to do more bloods. Im thinking its a miscarriage so in shock thought i wouldnt be pregnant this month at all, from getting now to this back to ttc. Got to think positive. Hopefully we will get pregnant SOON and the baby will stick.

7 years ago • Post starter

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