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Ttc in 2017

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Happy New Year everyone.
Been trying to find all the regulars from the 2016 thread but can't find anyone so thought I'd update in the hope some would drop in for a chat.
Welcome to anyone ttc in 2017, this is going to be the year of for everyone! I look forward to celebrating with each of you xx

394 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hello ladies, get 4.avril +ov ... but waiting is so long... i am 39 and i have girl 3 years old. Hope for baby 2 :0)

7 years ago

They never gave me the metaformin. Just the clomid. I go in 2 days for blood work supposed to go in Friday for 21 day but they are closed Friday so I have to go Thursday. I hope we caught it this time. We were in the middle of moving when I ovulated but bd as much as we could.

7 years ago

Going in tomorrow for trigger shot and hopefully IUI Friday and Saturday. This is IUI #2. Say a little prayer for me please! Hope you are all doing awesome. xo


7 years ago

HDC, please keep us wishes

We're having a baby!!!

7 years ago

Update: the witch caught up to me this month.

Started spotting last night. I was planning to test today if I made it as I would have been DPO18 and AF 3 days late.

Good luck to anyone still waiting to test!!!

7 years ago

Sorry the witch got you -smart baby :(

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7 years ago

@amarah - thank you!

I am trying again just as soon as I can this month...that should be next week...only good thing (maybe not only) about ovulating early...I don't have a lot of time to mope about AF coming.

GOOD LUCK!!! Hope you have great news to share in the coming days

7 years ago

7dpo here... I tested this morning to a BFN, but that just tells me the trigger shot is out of my system now. Now the counting begins.... I'll probably start testing for real on 10dpo. Hopefully this is our month. We timed everything really well.

We did decide that we'd try for one more cycle because I have the meds, but after that, we're going to NTNP. The depression this month has been brutal. I need to reset my hormones I think.

Maybe I'll try vitex for a few months...

But more depression like this with nothing to show for it is going to ruin my marriage. Hopefully it's bad this month because I'm going to get a positive, but it's just been too? many bfn's. Maybe I'm just too old.

7 years ago

Calvingirl, how old are you and what cycle is this for you? I am 40 1/2 also doing Clomid and trigger, second cycle but we have been TTC for 2 1/2 years. Hang in there...easier said than done, I am sorry...

We're having a baby!!!

7 years ago

Never mind, Calvingirl, I saw it on your profile that you have also been at it awhile...

We're having a baby!!!

7 years ago

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