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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Lucky : fingers crossed for a great outcome.

Dandy : How is your test looking this morning? Hoping that you can see something more significant today.

Miam: oh pregnancy exhaustion how I remember that. Hopefully it will pass for you soon.

As for me, I am CD 2 and just waiting for tomorrow so that I can get my labs drawn and start the letrozole 7.5 mg in the afternoon. Let's hope that this cycle pans out.

8 years ago

Good morning ladies. How is everyone today?
Afm, posted this mornings test. Still seeing shadows. But im being totally realistic that they may just be that... Shadows. I had to pray on it, ill be ok. Strangely my cervix is still climbing, I couldn't reach it untill i pushed my hand up with my other hand. Lol. I may just be an odd ball. Lol.

8 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : still looking very promising, especially on invert. Fingers crossed for you. As far as the cervix goes, lol you are too funny. It's really good that it is high. Another great sign. Let's hope that this shadow turns into a BFP for you.

8 years ago

The shadow looks different once uploaded, less promising to say the least. i have blood work tmrw morning , I am going to ask if they will do a hcg too. That will put this shadow thing to rest lol

8 years ago • Post starter

dandy: Great idea! Here's to hoping it leads to something more concrete, like a BFP.

8 years ago

Thank you Cronins. The nurse actually just called me. Not sure why lol. She just asked if i wanted information on the hsg test mailed to me. So it gave me the oppertunity to ask her to add a hcg test tmrw. Told her about the "shadows" so she added it : ) feeling more and more AFish though. Did another test ( dont know why lol) it was a bfn.

8 years ago • Post starter

On a different humorous note, I think I am going to name my cervix. Haha. I have been getting to know her better recently and feel it's appropriate. Thinking it should be a ditzy kind of name because she's doesnt seem to have a rhyme or reason for what she does. Shes high, soft and so swollen! Everything in there is swollen and my cervix is huge. Hormones are working on something lol. Any suggestions on what her name should be? Lol.

8 years ago • Post starter

Lol dandy! !! That cervix is ripe for pregnancy. That is the optimal formula for being pregnant. I would be totally suprised if you are not. As far as naming her, lol, I don't have a clue. Perhaps, Barbie, lol...

8 years ago

Really Cronins? I didn't know that! But for some reason i just dont think its my month. N thats ok if its not. I do like Barbie for her name. Seems to fit. Lol.

8 years ago • Post starter

Ok. I am so sorry to keep dragging this out. Just when i think im out this month, something like this happens.... My mom came an picked up my son for a little bit so hubby n I took advantage and had mommy and daddy time. Directly after practice bd I noticed blood. I had just checked my cervix earlier and didnt have any. I checked it after and no more. It was brown not red. It was enough require a couple wipes( sorry tmi) way more than just spotting but not enough to think ive started af early again. Oh please be Ib and not another early witch!

8 years ago • Post starter

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