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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies,
sorry about the bfn's :-( still not out until the witch shows though. AF is about gone, just spotting now thank goodness.

7 years ago

That's good lucky that AF has pretty much vacated.

Dandy: it's good to give our bodies some rest before starting meds again. I am actually looking forward to taking no meds this month, lol. It's kind of freeing. I plan on ordering more letrozole to restart in December /January cycle. I also want to order more hcg triggers as well. It will be my Christmas present to myself, lol.

7 years ago

Yay Lucky, good ridence witch! I still dont know if I am saying hi to my af or not. Im thinking so
Cronins, that sounds like a good Christmas presant to me. Lol. I know excactly what you mean by it being free feeling with no meds. Im kinda looking forward to it myself. It adds to the pressure and stress for me I think. How long does it take for you to get your letrozole once you order it? I think Im going to wait n talk to my ob at my appiontment to see if she is going to continue meds. If im on my own, I will be ordering!
Just got back from blood work. They added a beta when I told them about the bleeding. I should be getting my results this evening. They were just as confused as me when I told them my boobs still hurt. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : it usually takes 10 days to get my medication once I order it. Praying that that's implantation bleeding and you get your bfp. Keep us updated!

7 years ago

10 days isnt bad at all. Im sure I will be asking you for the website again when Im ready to order. Lol. Still waiting for them to call with my results. Thnking this my be af. Its a tad heavier but still not my usual af flow. I jst got my bfp hcgs. I think im going to like these. Bigger and more sensitive than the wonfos. So tired of squinting! : ). I am so pumped up about going with out meds this round ( I promise im not a copy cat. Lol) i had to freak out this last cycle fir them to give them to me. Haha. I will still take my coq10 and my asprin, and opk test. But Im going to try and take a more laid back approach to this one.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : the bfp brand I absolutely love. They are great. Yeah, just let me know if you need that website detail if you need it down the road. More than happy to help you out.

7 years ago

Thank you bunches : ). I cant believe how good I feel right now. I should be upset af came early and about not getting meds next cycle. I feel like a prayer has been answered and a weight has been lifted. Think Im not going to get my progesterone level till tmrw. Im really curious about that. How can my boobs be this sore with a level low enough for af. Hmmm.

7 years ago • Post starter

Maybe your body just needs a break from the meds. When I went from IUIs to IVF and stopped doing bbt and opks it felt good. Didn't worry about tracking anything. This stuff just gets so stressful and overwhelming at times.

7 years ago

Good question dandy. I wonder if it could possibly be implantation bleeding? That would be way too cool. You'll definitely find out soon. Either your flow will pick up or you will get your bfp. Maybe the meds made them more sensitive? That's another possibility. Sigh.

Lucky : you are absolutely right that it is stressful. Here's to hoping for a calm next cycle.

7 years ago

Cronins, my flow has picked up. It started to earlier when I said but has picked up to full forse. Timing wise vs flow amount, its pretty safe to say this is day one. Thats ok, im looking forward to this one. Yes Lucky Im sure my body does need a break. Gonna give me a rest. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

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