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8DPO and likely becoming a crazy person.

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Hi, all. My partner and have been TTC since our miscarriage in December. I have high hopes for this month and desperately want to test. I'm keeping myself from doing so simply because I don't want the let down that is so likely.

Am I the only person that thinks she's SO focused and tuned in to what is happening with her body that it could be driving her insane? Sometimes I feel like my mind and body are playing tricks on me. This TWW is difficult and not for the faint of heart.

I am currently 8DPO but because of my positive OPK test this month I believe I may actually be 9 or 10 DPO. Anyone else waiting and slowly going insane?

31 Replies • 8 years ago



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DMonique, I see in your images it looks like you got your BFP! Congrats!

Sorry to hear you've been having it rough perkipenguin. Keep n eye on your bbt and we're sending lots of baby dust your way!

I'm so tempted to test tomorrow (11dpo I think) as I have a 10mlu test strip. But I only have one and I'm away visiting my parents out of town until Friday, when I will be 14dpo! What do you guys think? Should I give in and test tomorrow and risk a false negative, or should I do it on 12dpo as originally planned? Or even later?

8 years ago

Well, ladies. I got another BFN this morning and then AF came two days early an hour later. Out this month. My sweet partner keeps telling me it would've been chaos to have a third December baby and is being so supportive. I only cried for a few minutes. Time to pull it back together.

I feel as if time is not on my side due to my age and that our November pregnancy was my last chance that slipped away. Being positive is so hard.

8 years ago • Post starter

Have friended you Aranha, am with you on the age thing I am 39 in a week so trying not to think about that!! Yay congratulations Dominique fab news. Thanks Tizzygiraffe I am okay I guess when and if it's meant to be it will happen. Temp went back up a bit today have a few symptoms but trying not to obsess (easier said than done!!). AF is due on Thursday so I am going to hold off until then. Good luck ladiesxxxx

8 years ago

Hey I'm 8/9 dpo. Did u ladies experience a change in cm? I had a loose bm this morning and I seen a glob of whitish, cloudy cm.

8 years ago

Chichimonroe, I am 11dpo and have noticed a change in my cm over the last 2 or 3 days. There is more of it, quite liquidy. Sometimes I've thought AF has arrived but nope, its just cm. Hoping for a BFP tomorrow but if not, I'll wait it out and test again at 14dpo.
Sorry to hear youre out for the month Aranha, but keep trying! I know its hard to stay positive but you can always consult your OBGyn if you think you need extra help I guess?

8 years ago

I'm out too, AF arrived 2 days early and came yesterday afternoon. See you on the other side!!! Xx

8 years ago

Thats a shame perkipenguin, onwards to the next cycle, baby dust for you!

Well ladies, I got what seemed to be a very faint positive on my dip strip this morning! So faint that I have been struggling to get a photo, but I can definitely see something in real life! I'm trying not to get my hopes up just in case it's chemical or an evap line, but at 12dpo this seems promising! Bought an FRER today which I will use tomorrow or Friday to double confirm. Eeep!

8 years ago

It gets worse each month I go without a BFP.

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8 years ago

Perkipenguin, did we REALLY both start two days early? Wow. I guess it may as well come if the BFP isn't going to. April is a lovely time to conceive. Keep in touch, please.

Tizzygiraffe, congrats!!!!!!

Whatwillbeat33, you aren't alone. Hugs.

8 years ago • Post starter

You tizzygiraffe that's brilliant news. Aranha I really did 2 days early totally unheard of for me! I allowed myself to feel sorry for myself, now over it and looking forward to my birthday!! Fingers crossed for a successful April! Definatley keep in touch xxxx

8 years ago

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