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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi all.
Pink. I read the post about that too so had a good look online to see what was said. Here is roughly what I found, ladies would use the water bicarb mix to cure fungal infections or if ttc a boy. The sperm carrying the male gene is believed to react favourably to a less acidic environment and the mix or douche neutralizes our slightly acidic twinkies. On the negative side altering our natural ph has been found to cause fungal infections in some women but if it's only for a day or two each month can it really hurt? The can it hurt is my opinion, I'm not a doc so please don't take my word for it. I was going to try it this cycle and report back to you all but forgot when o didn't happen. Thanks pink for bringing it up.
Love the way you round me up with your kids made me feel young. Think you have earned some rest, takeaway, movie and a cuddle

Shanta. I'm glad your apt went well and your doc is interested in being thorough, read stories about some horrible and nasty docs so glad you got a good one!!!

Fruitloops. hello and welcome! Think we have all inseminated at some point rather than miss ovulation. I know your case is slightly different but just to let you know that you are in good company. Any tips? I'm going that route this month to stop when passing, I'm on the tail end of a flu bug thing and would hate to pass it on. I take iron supplements as I get heavy af and found some gentle iron caps that claim not to constipate you, will check out the brand later if you want?

Chicks and 39, Hope you both catch the perfect egg

Afm. IT HAPPENED!!!!! Got my positive opk yesterday so today should be the big o. I honestly thought I was out this month but my body must have put it off until my temp was back down Will try the bicarb thing tonight, you never know. I'm going through the tww with you all but stopping the vitex now I've ovulated and give my cycle a chance to get back to normal. Good luck everyone

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

its taken me a bit to read everything, however its helped with the tww lol , anyways, im 7dpo this cycle, and hoping for a bfp, 2nd cycle actively trying, had mc back in feb at 7w3d, that was devastating and its taken a while for my body to get back on track. wishing all you ladies mountains of baby dust.

ttc #3 , have 2 DDs ages 3(in Oct) and 15 months , got pre-eclampsia with youngest and had a lot of weird bleeding and possibly miscarried a twin with oldest, my body doesnt seem to get along with pregnancy very well, im 24 and DH is 25, we're exactly a year, a month, and a day apart lol i thought that was cool. as for symptoms lots of twinges down there, sore boobs and nips , creamy cm and cervix high soft and closed, going to start testing Saturday cause im a serious poas addict xD drives DH crazy , any ways loads and loads of baby dust and sticky vibes ladies, hope you all get bfps this cycle :-}

8 years ago

Pumpkin. hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about your loss but I'm glad your in a better place now. So where are you from? What's your story? How old are you? How long have you been trying? Are you doing anything to help conceive? You don't have to answer the questions, I'm just a nosy old bat
Are you a frequent tester and testing soon or are you going to wait? Good luck and hope you get your

8 years ago • Post starter

Kerzie - ttc #3 , have 2 DDs ages 3(in Oct) and 15 months , got pre-eclampsia with youngest and had a lot of weird bleeding and possibly miscarried a twin with oldest, my body doesnt seem to get along with pregnancy very well, im 24 and DH is 25, we're exactly a year, a month, and a day apart lol i thought that was cool. as for symptoms lots of twinges down there, sore boobs and nips , creamy cm and cervix high soft and closed, going to start testing Saturday cause im a serious poas addict xD drives DH crazy , any ways loads and loads of baby dust and sticky vibes ladies, hope you all get bfps this cycle :-}

i think that answers most of your questions, lol im an open book so nose away lol , I live in US in Georgia , have had a rough year so far with most of it being family drama, as well as job related drama, but everything seems to be smoothing itself out now, and while the mc was hard, im almost glad because with everything weve been through this year, i cant imagine how hard it would have been to be pregnant through it all. My DH recently recovered from a serious infection, it was in his blood and on his heart valve, almost had to have heart surgery to replace it, never been so scared in my life. Thankfully hes a lot better now, but his oldest sister had a similar infection, different bacteria though, and she died from it about a year and a half ago. So we were both terrified, and overwelmingly relieved when everything turned out ok

8 years ago

Cd 11. I ovulated this time last cycle. My Opk is neg but super close and at all times my stress level has hit a breaking point. I think when people get divorced all the men should be shipped off to an island where they can't escape and have to fight for daily survival. Yea, that would be awesome. No sleep, crying all night. Temp is useless. Will be going by OPKs this cycle. My DH is wonderful and trying to keep me calm. I wanna punch my ex in his stupid face. I would feel so much better, just one big punch right to his throat and hear him grasp for air.

8 years ago

Hola beautiful bonking ladies (4DPO)
Chicks-so sorry and Im totally with you and understand every word (I also read your post on other forum I follow), my ex (kids dad) doesn't have a clue either, how Ive struggled or how to be a decent parent but he's great fun for his kids 1 day a month wow wot a man NOT, of course I dont put him down in front of kids so they dont have a clue how evil he can be and selfish grrr, hang in there lovely, hes not worth it, I hope you sort things with DD and she changes her mind
kerzie-yes you are young or as young as the man you feel lol and def OUR doc, thank you for finding out info on the bicarb, I will def give it a go too if I dont get a this cycle you best get busy, go ride em cowboy/girl yahoo
Shanta-hope your well, update us with any news on clinic
39-hows the 2ww going cycle buddy, I broke down in tears today oops and then later had a rant at my best friends ex, oh dear hormonal or wot and not like me at all, but, i feel so much better now haha
Pumpkin-welcome to the club and hope you will be in it soon wow you have been through alot, so pleased your DH is doing well now and things all settled and calm ready for a baby bump soon,
How is everyone else doing, baby/calvin/fruit we really really need to see some on here soon ladies, get on with it already

8 years ago

Cm is mixed, ew and creamy and very stretchy. Cervix is low and opened.

I have calmed down, took a hot shower so no ladies you won't be seeing my mug shot on the evening news for choking my ex. For sure going to love on my hubby tonight and make that baby.

8 years ago

So, out of curiousity, does anyone plan on heading over to countdownmypregnancy when they get a bfp? i found it when i was preggers with my oldest, and really enjoyed the forums

8 years ago

Positive opk yesterday and this morning as well as my cervix being soft and open. Ewcm since Tuesday. Insemination this afternoon, Monday night and Tuesday afternoon. Now to wait for temp shift. Hope it's not effected by the fact that I'm at my mom's for the weekend and they have central air.
Cd13 and I'm pretty sure I ovulated today or will tonight as I've had lots of pinching and pains in my right pelvis which would make sense and last month I had the same pains in the left.
[Fx]since I got the most chances this month and the timing seems to be great.

8 years ago

Hello lovlies (5/6 DPO)
Just quick one to update and advice before I nip off to work, too early for implantation right but just been to loo TMI and when wiped tiny bit of spotting but a load of creamy cm, might explain the sharp twinges all yesterday and this morn but hoping its a good sign and not bad oh well still too early to think anything really, trying not to test til 10DPO at earliest
Fruit-that all sounds brill and well timed
Pumpkin-yes I def would if I ever get that chance, how are you doing
Chicks-glad your feelin a bit better, ov is frustrating, I got a Pos OPK CD11 but didn't ov til 4 days later, I think, arghh
Love to all, Calvin-temps look amazing

8 years ago

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