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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Good morning!!

Hi Kerzie, nope not testing yet...Waiting it out...Boobs not as sore today but still hurt/nipples hurt too and my temp came down a bit. Worries me...No more cramps-only at implantation...Had a dream I had implantation bleeding last night! lol
I'm 8dpo today! Hoping for soon! I didn't get a positive till 17 dpo last month..

Question everyone!!! I drink coffee & I hear mixed reports that some is ok, but not more than 200 mg or 2 cups of 6-8oz mugs. I went down from 3 to 2 mugs yesterday. Slight headache getting off caffeine but overall feel better. Do you all drink coffee & if so, how much??? Not supposed to be good for people who have miscarriages! That's why I'm cutting way back!

8 years ago

Good morning ladies, 8dpo i wanna test so bad....but im not
Baby one i stopped drinking coffee and replaced it wiht lemon water however over the past weekend i had a few cups i dope that doesn't effect anything.
I dont have any symptoms however my first pregnancy I didn't have nay either but i pray this is mu month. I do keep passing gas but they may be becuz of all the boiled eggs ive been

Have a great day ladies and

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8 years ago

Shanta you crack me up girl!! lol

I boiled eggs yesterday and I'm having the same problem!!! HA!!!

Going down to 1 cup of coffee on Friday!! Pray I'm not grumpy with a headache PLEASE!!!!!!

8 years ago

Baby one im sorry to hear about last month!!! Thanks for your words. Ill be praying for you!!! Keep us post it. Im one day late, but sometimes my Af is like that. I dont want to get my hopes up. Ill wait few more days to test. It would be awesome if we can get our BFP at dame time...

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

That would be awesome Miracle74!!! Prayers for you as well!!!

8 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Miracle I say go ahead and test.

Holly you are having some good symptoms. Hope this is your month!

Pink that's weird that you got the 2 lines. Are you sure there is no chance you are pregnant dear?

Kerzie I am good. I am not keeping up with opk's or dates other than mentally. Trying to reduce the anxiety that comes with ttc. I had globs of EWCM yesterday. It was weird. DTD this morning and it made my stomach hurt. Anyone else experience that? Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you get your BFP this month!

8 years ago

Thanks 39!!! Me hope so too!!!

Pinkster- I just looked at your test and I see 2 lines..Are you sure you're not preggo???

8 years ago

Oh other symptom that started yesterday was itchy belly and bottoms of my feet!!!

8 years ago

Hi (7dpo)

Pink. Test again a few times with the same sample of urine and if all the same go to the doctor. Until your sure delay taking Clomid. Will keep fingers crossed for you.

Holly. We all hate the tww but you have skipped a day, lol. Unfortunately we are only 7dpo, sucks I know. Hope it works out for you this month.

Miracle. Would test, if you are late it is so worth the risk.

39. Lol, the first thing that came to mind was "how big is your man to hurt your tummy"? Maybe you pulled a muscle? Is it muscle pain or pain inside? Are you taking baby aspirin? Interrogation or what...

Afm. Going into the second week of the tww, this is when I find it hard not to test. I'm trying to get more active each day and eating salad dinners but craving pasta of all things. This is going to be hard.

8 years ago • Post starter

Thanks ladies, Im sure it was a dodgy test as just did superdrug one and nothing, can start clomid now, didnt think I was prego as temps right down and just finishing AF, thanks for your support, good luck to all those waiting to test

8 years ago

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