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Private Testers Support Group Part 5!

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Old thread got ginormous so here's a new one!

bluerose sorry about spotting hun :( At least you get to see the GYN and hopefully get a plan in place! You've been waiting too long for baby #2.

janise thanks for the response, yeah I know very little about whether HCG actually increases odds of pregnancy. Maybe I will do some googling :) How you feeling today?

Cam wow good for you finishing that run! 4 miles is a lot especially if you don't do it very often. Throwing up is never a pleasant experience though ;) But it is badass!

AFM CD 12, temps are nice and normal levels of low. My chart looks great this month, after looking horrific last month. Go figure! Getting lunch today with my newly-pregnant friend. I feel ready to see her now. FX that I don't do something embarrassing like burst into tears ;)

594 Replies • 9 years ago



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Morning ladies!

I took the day off but have a lot to do...but soooo don't want to get out of bed :/ so I'm still in it, lol!!

Luv, I pray you start feeling better and soon! That's crazy about your SIL..some people huh?

Blue, I hear what you're saying and my brother and I are 10.5 years apart!! My mom says she had two only children, lol. Sure when I was 8 and he was 18 we had nothing in common, but now at 33 and 44 we get along great and really help each other out. I think it will be ok!! Praying for your peace with that and the HSG!!

Cam, hey lady! That dinner sounds amazing!! The air strikes not so much... Maybe no symptoms is a good thing?!

Frosty, will you dh get to come home? When will the iud be removed? I'm hopefully that your ovaries will be roaring and ready to go once he's home :) and thanks for trusting us to explain BC I think we were all like "birth control??!!" LOL :)

AFM, overall I am good! Got up and made breakfast for the three of us and my hubby got my MIL to day care, I will pick her up this afternoon. So to the new house, direct buy, nail shop, some shopping, and getting some tutoring for my tax class this afternoon is on my agenda...guess I better get up :( Ohhh I started working out yesterday only did 20 minutes on the row machine and my legs and tush are on FIRE today, lol!!

9 years ago

Gm my ladies Yes dinner was great I had to control myself from getting seconds lol. Still no symptoms to write home about but we will see. I'm at work ughhh. Luv and Jada enjoy your day off and be lazy. Frsty Blue Jan Gm

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9 years ago

Moring ladies.

Hey Cam! Glad you enjoyed your dinner sounds like it was yummy. I hate spicy foods but I like the smokey flavours. No symptoms sound good. I have seen many persons on message boards saying the month they got their BFP, they had no symptoms.

Luv: Glad you are feeling better today. Yeah...most people have those days where they feel sick and nothing goes right! Then you will have days when you don't even remember that something new and different is happening inside you body. I had a good chuckle when I ready your message to 2Frsty. You more often say the things the rest of think but are apprehensive to say (at least for me) lol. Your DH's sister sounds priceless! A real Buzz Kill. I try my hardest to avoid persons like that. Let's hope they are both happy for you guys.

Jada: The MIL is feeling better now, I hope? How's she liking the day care? Since they say exercise will improve your circulation and increase blood flow to your reproductive area...good going! Wish I had that discipline these days.

Blue: My girlfriend's son was graduating from University the day his sister was born! They love each other to pieces though. So don't worry too much. Some sibblings who are closer in age are always at each other's throats. Help him learn how to entertain himself.

2Frsty: Don't know much about bc. Wouldn't your body try to reset itself for a while after you come off? I thought that stopping ovulation meant that the ovaries could just sit there and get lazy? Dunno...just me thinking. Would the IUD affect ovulation or just make af more tolerable? Clue me in.

AFM: Think I am 3 dpo today. Got some bd'ing in. DH is out of town for work until tomorrow hopefully. He and his boss are meeting new clients so he's not sure when they will get all that over and done. Still having ovary pains on both sides...had it on the left on Saturday. Not sure what's happening. Took an opk this am, out of curiosity, and it was dark but not positive. Will keep bd'ing when he comes back just in case I made a boo boo about O before. Will do another this evening to see the change, if any.

9 years ago

JLH wow what a productive day! And 20 minutes on the rowing machine is impressive. That thing is HARD. Most people at the gym can't go more than 10 minutes on it. :)

Cam yay for yummy dinner! Hope work goes quickly for you!

Janise I try to just be polite to my SIL and if she talks shit about me (which I know she does) I just let her. Makes her sound bitter. I think her real problem is her intense jealousy of her little brother (my DH) who has a lot of great things going for him that she doesn't have (great job, athletic lifestyle, spouse, etc). So it's about him, not me, so I just tell myself that. LOL re: the message to 2Frsty, I hope she is not offended! I have a tendency to be a bit of a bigmouth, LOL. I didn't actually think she would be fooling around, but that would be a pretty funny topic of conversation for our board ;) Definitely a first! Sorry your cycle is being a bit confusing. My ovaries always hurt after O, they are swollen/shrinking back down especially on the Clomid, maybe that's all it is! Glad you got plenty of BD in already!

AFM so far today I have eaten pizza, taquitos, spaghettios, doritos, and a can of pears. I am eating like a college student :-p

9 years ago • Post starter

@luvtowalkfast- Haha I love eating! Enjoy it! I don't see anything wrong with having an only child. You do whats right for your family. And having too large of an age gap does not feel right for us. We have discussed giving up if the age gap becomes too large and it no longer feels right for us.

@Janise- Entertaining himself isn't a problem. Thankfully he has school now so the socializing thing isn't as big of a deal and he is improving in that area. Glad to hear you got some bding in! And I think doing it some more isn't a bad idea! I have been wrong with my o dates before as well.

@Camasia- Glad to hear that your dinner was great! That's the problem I have is controlling myself around food haha.

@JLHart22 - Thanks! Glad to hear that you and your brother get along great now! Sounds like you have a very busy day!! I should start working out again. Then I will be in the same fire legs/bum boat as you! haha

I was bad and ended up calling in sick for work for tonight. My man made a good point and told me I likely wouldn't be working up to my full potential at work since I'll just be thinking about tomorrow. And then I'd be up for at least 24 hrs with maybe a 2 hr nap. I feel guilty about calling in but unfortunately I think it would be too much for me!

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9 years ago

bluerose that is a great idea, get a good night's rest tonight :) GL with your HSG! It will be fine, don't worry. Even if it hurts it is over quickly.

9 years ago • Post starter

Blue best wishes to you tomorrow and I pray that you get pregnant right afterwards! Luv dinner was fab glad you are stuffing your face without restriction!!!! Jada I love the adult daycares they are a lifesaver. My girls finally got to play today and they lost but they are still winners! Stop reminding me that I need to get back on the workout bus lol. Jan I hope you caught that eggy and I hope you are right about my no symptoms. Frsty what state are you in?
I'm preparing to do some work and not think about the next two days..... its either yes or no we will see. ......

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9 years ago

Cam--> We're stationed at Fort Hood, TX.

Blue--> GL with the HSG tomorrow! FX'd it goes super well, and you end up with a beautiful BFP this cycle!

Jan--> Mirena CAN stop ovulation, but it also thins the uterus to help ease AF a bit. I'm a bit nervous, but also very hopeful. A lot of women don't even have a period while they're on it. That would be GLORIOUS!!

JL--> No, this deployment doesn't have an R&R time, so he won't be coming back until mid June.

AFM: Hangin' in there. We got the flight plan for DH's flight on Friday morning. And he also finished packing his gear tonight, too. It's all becoming very real. My dogs aren't adjusting well to their new food (even though we switched it gradually), so DH and I spent a great deal of time cleaning splattered "you know what" up from the kitchen. OMG, it was EVERYWHERE!!! So guess who's spending the night outside?!?!


9 years ago

Cam yep I can eat a lot...but I also need to get on the workout bus, LOL! I have a half marathon on October 12. Haven't done a damn thing to train for it. At this point just hoping I feel okay that day, I can trudge 13 miles if I have to as long as I don't feel crappy ;) Hang in there the next few days!!

2Frsty holy cow sick dogs?! On top of everything else? Madness! Also I really hope you weren't bothered by my stupid joke, honestly I was totally and completely kidding. My timing is probably bad though. You have a lot going on right now.

AFM wide awake way too early. Not sure what to do with myself!

9 years ago • Post starter

I'm hanging Luv but I think I can predict the outcome I wish it wasn't true but in due season. My 7th year anniversary of when dh and I met is tomorrow and I won't have any great news to give him yet. I'm going to get up and study some before class. Smooches Luv and hugs too.

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9 years ago

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