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need some buddies to help get through TTC#2

I am TTC#2... thought this would be the easiest thing ever since our daughter was conceived by complete accident the first month we stopped contraceptions. Not so easy the second time around!! Who knew right?!

Its been 10 months, I am 7dpo and darn those hpt just sitting in the bathroom calling to be peed on... so i obviously did and what do you know ANOTHER BFN. Starting to lose hope. Tried Clomid, makes me ovulate but thus far no pregnancy. This is my 4th and final month on it. Dont know what else to do?!?!

Would LOVE to have some buddies going through the same thing to talk to about it :)

50 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi, I'm quite new to this and this is my first ever post on a site :o)
I would love to have a buddy going through the same thing too. I am also on CD 7 and trying for number 2.
Ummm not sure how to add you as a friend but will try now. If I fail (likely) can you give it a go :o))

10 years ago

I'm not sure if I did it right, but I added you as a friend and also sent a message. Hopefully it worked :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Well im kind of in the same boat.

TTC my 2nd (my first was a complete surprise) My current partner doesnt have any children and is off for a sperm analysis next tuesday then were off to the fertility clinic.

I have high testosterone in my blood along with other symptoms are pointing to PCOS so i may end up on clomid to.

Currently 1DPO trying to make the most of what may be my last un-medicated cycle.


10 years ago

Hi TiffanyDoll, so you just started the 2ww. Worst 2 weeks ever! Frustrating being able to conceive so easily with one, and then have such a hard time. I Know for me i was just completely blown away that I couldnt get pregnant right away, then to find my hormones were a little bit off, I was so surprised.
Like I said I have done 4 months of Clomid. Even though it has some super annoying side effects, it has really regulated my cycles. I used to spot CD18-23 or 24, then start a period that would last 4-5 days. Now since being on Clomid, my cycles range between 25 and 28 days, each month has got a little longer, which is really good, and no more spotting! So try not to be too nervous about it, easier said then done i know.

10 years ago • Post starter

Its so frustrating not knowing if it me or DF or both of us. atleast if its just me then some clomid will hopefully Help.

cant belive im still only on day 1! this next 2 weeks are going to be hell. OV threw me off this month didnt think i was gonna ov till Thursday and by the looks of my test this morning my OV was yesterday :S so confusing since my last cycle was 36 days.

Not holding out much hope this month. I have bloods being taken on the 7th April (13DPO) so if i am Pregnant it should show up by then so im determined NOT TO TEST!

But like you there just calling to me. Its my own fault for buying those internet cheapies in bulk lol


10 years ago

It is really frustrating not knowing, is it me, is it something i did, etc. Even though logically we know its nothing we have done. How long have you been trying?

I took a hpt today, 8dpo, negative. Its basically heartbreaking every time I see a negative. This time i did get what seems to be an evap line, which ive never had before. I keep trying to tell myself thats not a positive lol, i know it, just clinging to hope! I bought them in bulk too, so why not take them i guess!

is your blood work just to check for pregnancy or is it to check other things like hormone levels and stuff?

10 years ago • Post starter

Were coming up for 13 months now its so frustrating. I even took a break and just let nature take its course. But so far nada. How about you? how long?

No Dr wants to check to see if theres a change in my testosterone levels as they were high last time. i think it may just be an added bonus if my HCG levels came back high to.

Worst thing is i know i can take First Responce tests from the 4th So no matter how hard i try i know im gonna go get some.

Im giving up with the internet cheapies. Hear so many stories about them and none of them seem to be good. i think ive had a few evaps on them before. or may have been my eyes playing tricks on me.

10 years ago

We are in our 10th month of trying. 4th month on clomid. Doctor hasnt done anything besides blood tests, which before I started clomid showed my progesterone was a little low. I even begged them to just do an ultrasound and that I would pay out of pocket just to check for cysts or see if anything was looking not right, but they said no.
Its very frustrating. I told my cycle buddy and I will tell you too, a friend of mine does classes on herbal healing.. she went yesterday and told me the instructor's daughter could not get pregnant with a second child, even after trying clomid and a few other things, so she started rubbing Thyme essential oils on her abdomen over her ovaries and she ended up pregnant with triplets. Now I dont know the amount or the number of times per day, but I plan on asking. At this point I will try anything!
I have to do the internet cheapies bc I go insane if i cant test early. If I were to get a positive on one I would for sure double check with a FRER or something. Though in my mind those dont work because Ive never got a positive (lol.. duuuh cuz i havent been pregnant, but i still hate them a little anyway!).

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies, I am new on here and ttc #2 as well been trying since what seems like forever. I didn't expect it to be this hard to have another one. We decided to try I stopped the pill and first try it worked. I had my daughter June 2011. We had some rough patches and he went through a depression and was on medication so we put ttc on hold for awhile. He feels like since he was on those meds it messed with his fertility. I did some research and it does effect sperm count and quality but no idea for how long. Thing is he won't get tested too scared he loves kids and thinks he is less of a man if there is a problem with him. I am on cd 1 af came this morning so hopefully this month will be the good one. Sorry for the long message just thought I would give a little back ground. Also I have tried maca, evening primrose oil, pineapple core, raspberry leaf tea all natural things no meds because from what my charts showed and the opks show my cycles are normal.

10 years ago

2012Mommy - Ive been told by my Dr that i should get my overys scanned as along with quite a few other symptoms it is looking like PCOS. It just all takes so long im in Scotland and waiting lists are huge here. :-( Defs let me know about that oil. Im Willing to try anything to lol

HiMomKat86 - How long have you been trying? My partner is currently on meds for severe psoriasis and that can cause problems with the little guys and since he isnt my Sons biological Dad he is convinced that its him thats the problem. Its so heartbreaking seeing him so down about it. Cant wait for tuesday so he can go give his sample and we can put his mind at rest or move forward with the next step if there is something wrong. Are you using any ovulation sticks?


10 years ago

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