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TTC after MC

Hello ladies! Quick question about TTC after a MC. DH and I started TTC baby #2 in September. We got pregnant in December, had a miscarriage about three weeks ago now.

So, maybe this is a dumb question, but in my mind we've been TTC Sept-Feb, 6 months. I know that doctors won't counsel you about infertility until you've tried for one year. I guess my question is, does that mean that I will have to wait for one year from the MC (jan 2015) or will that be one year from the time we started TTC (sept 2014)?

Also, I've never had trouble conceiving before. We used OPKS and pre-seed to conceive our daughter, only because I was a teacher at the time and wanted to time things around the school year. What is the next step? Start temping and charting? I get the general idea of temping, but I know what to look for, so if anyone can suggest good resources I would greatly appreciate it. Or if anyone has good suggestions about natural things I can research to help me conceive?

1 Reply • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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First off, I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like we got pregnant and lost our pregnancies around the same times... I know how rough it is, and I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

Temping is wonderful and easy! Sign up for Fertility Friend (the FREE version) on your IPAD, smart phone, or just online. I used the smart phone and went online sometimes too. All you have to do is pick up a Basal Body Thermometer from Walmart, around $7-8 I think, and take your temp around the same time every morning before you get up or do anything else.

I also used Wondfo OPKs along with this, and was able to conceive very quickly, even with 45-75 day cycles. Apparently I was still ovulating, just having really long follicular phases.

I would date your TTC date from post miscarriage personally... but if you hit the one year mark from September, it doesn't hurt to make an appointment with a doctor. If this was your first miscarriage they won't think much of it unfortunately, but if you find the right compassionate doc, I'm sure he will still help you.

Best of luck.

10 years ago

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