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November IVF buddies

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I'm doing my first IVF this November. I don't normally post on here but if there was ever a time to reach out it is now.

Anybody else?

Mrs. Fridley

952 Replies • 10 years ago



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I have absolutely zero will power! I started testing from 5dpt to beta day at 9dpt. I should seriously buy stock in first response!

10 years ago

MNOR: while the news is frustrating, I agree that it might be the root cause and having an actual treatable diagnosis is perhaps for the best. My fingers are crossed this is the reason and you can get it resolved once and for good!!!

AWHITTAKER: isn't it about time that you would have peed on the stick? Updates?

SOMEDAY: all you need is one!!! Sending positive thoughts your way!!! And no willpower whatsoever here once the hubby said he didn't object.

We had our 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday. Baby Girl Fridley shadowboxed, picked her nose, sucked her thumb, flipped us off, kicked constantly, made the hand gun-shooting movement, and buried herself in the placenta wayyyyy down south in my abdomen. She already has every sign of being a Daddy's girl.

And nope, even after that I still have no real concept of actually being pregnant. I'm just getting really big in my mind. And angel hair pasta is the greatest thing ever.


10 years ago • Post starter

Mnor: Yup I've decided that I am going to wait till 9dp5dt to test. I just can't help myself. I'm just so worried that the embies aren't going to take because one was slow to develop and the other has a "little bit" of fragmentation around the outside. Long story short....I'm one day into the tww and already a bit of a mess. Just trying to stay a calm mess to keep my cortisol levels down so the embryos don't know I'm a mess...if that makes sense.

AWhittaker: Can't wait for you to test.

Mrs: That is so sweet that your little one is so active. Congrats again.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies, sorry I was MIA. Yesterday wa our big golf tournament and we didn't get home until midnight... I'm still super exhausted from the weekend but it was a huge success. Thanks for all your kind words of encouragement and support.

Mrs- I'm actually going to San Diego fertility center and not HRC, if we ever need to look at alternative doctors, I'll definitely look into them.

As for testing, I'm not that optimistic about this cycle as I started spotting yesterday. After I stopped the bcp, I had light spotting until 6 dpo and then it stopped, yesterday at 11 dpo, I had a bit of flow, and then it stopped again a bit.... Today is 12 dpo and I'm scared to test to get a bfn again and get upset... So I just may wait til tomorrow to see what happens. I've been using the cheap wondfo tests for the early tests and saving my frers for 14 dpo or later. With the wondfos even my trigger barely shows. What tests do you ladies use?

I'm just getting tired of having our lives revolve around my ovaries... I feel like we can't even schedule a vacation right now not knowing when and if we get to do an ivf cycle. Getting frustrated as we just had 2 different friends announce they are pregnant, one by accident and one with twins...

10 years ago

Yeah, life is pretty much on hold for us as well. I hate feeling stagnant and not being able to plan anything because I might have a retrieval or be pregnant or whatever. Yesterday was really rough for me after getting the news that I need surgery another friend I graduated hs with just announced her pregnancy. So now I have 2 close hs friends having babies around the same time and getting to be pregnant together. I just can't help thinking that should be me and getting jealous! I really feel like I am being left behind at this point.

In my experience any spotting was always bad news. There are some women who say they spotted in early pregnancy or even throughout pregnancy but that was never my case.

10 years ago

The feeling of being in limbo thanks to infertility is a horrible one. I have someone close to me who is pregnant by accident right now and its hard to even talk to her. Its shameful of me I know.

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10 years ago

I completely concur. During our process I felt like EVERYONE around me was getting pregnant. I even threw a baby shower in my own home just a few months before we did IVF. I kept a good game face on, but inside I was gutted.

Another friend had an abortion. She waited to tell me as she felt guilty for her decision when we were having such problems. That one is still hard for me to think about.

Let's hope infertility gets the big middle finger from all of us soon.

10 years ago • Post starter

I feel completely awful for avoiding my pregnant friends and friends with new babies but I just can't do it and I wish they could understand why it's so hard for me to watch them get everything I dream about. It's a special brand of torture that's for sure! I decline most baby shower invites unless they are for someone really close and then I grin and bear it but usually cry all the way home.

My one friend announced her pregnancy in January by text message right after my second miscarriage. My other friend who had her baby in October did the same thing...a text message. It just seems so cold and unsympathetic to me. These are supposed to be my best friends? I know it can be tough to know what to say to someone going through infertility but neither friend has shown any understanding, asked how my ivf was going or even attempted to ask me anything about it. I guess going through IVF shows you who your real friends are!

My hysteroscopy and possible scar tissue removal is scheduled for the 21st. Hopefully this will be the answer and the next FET will stick! The FET has been rescheduled for probably the 3rd or 4th week of April. I hate delays...but I definitely want my uterus to be in the best shape possible for this one!

10 years ago

Thanks for giving us your dates, MNOR. We will be there for you through all of this.

SOMEDAY and AWHITTAKER - any updates????


10 years ago • Post starter

Mnor: So glad to hear that you are moving forward. We are here with ya every step of the way.

As for me.....progesterone in oil is horrible. My butt hurts (injection sites), I'm bloated (like several months pregnant huge), I'm cranky, and all I want to do is sleep. Had my progesterone assay today so next step is upping the dosage. Yay. I'll be so glad when this TWW is over.

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10 years ago

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