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Trying, trying, trying

My DH and I have been ttc for nearly 6 months now. After quitting my birth control, I had many different pregnancy symptoms and found out that I was actually not cycling at all. My doctor put me on Progesterone tablets for five days. After 8 long days, my period finally came and when ovulation happened at CD19 I had thee worst cramps that I've ever had. I would keel over they were so bad. Doc thought it was my body being hypersensitive to the whole ordeal since I hadn't ovulated in years (while on BC). Today is CD 27 and I have NO CLUE how many days I even have to wait to test. I don't know when my AF is supposed to even arrive. I'm feeling icky but I think it's the fact that I don't have a BFP that is really letting me down. This would be our first little bundle of joy and I've been waiting my whole life for him or her :( It's just so hard to wait. Before I started BC I had an average of 24 days periods, is it typical to go back to that or does the body reset, I wonder? I need some encouragement :( My hubby wants a baby very badly but can keep himself from thinking about it 24/7 unlike me. I am most certainly down in the dumps :(

13 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi there. I can relate to being down in the dumps too! We have been TTC for 21 months now. I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks n April, but apart from that nothing. Started fertility meds a couple of cycle ago. Still nothing. AF started yesterday and boy did the hormone change affect me!

With the not having a clue when to expect AF or test, I would strongly recommend charting your basal body temperature. I love knowing when AF will arrive. I have never know, my whole life, as I have always been terribly irregular. Now, although I am still terribly irregular, I know when I have ovulated from the temp rise, and so I can work out when AF will come as I know my average luteal phase length. I hate waiting, and I hate stress (have enough of that in my life) so I love how it takes the guess work out of things!

Regarding the length of your cycle, I think if you haven't gone back to what your cycles were like before BC by now, they probably wont. After a couple of cycles they should settle down (if they are going to). If they don't it usually indicates some sort of problem.

You say you ovulated on CD19. If you are CD28 now then that is 9dpo. That is the most common day to implant if you are going to get pregnant. So wait at least a few days after that before a pregnancy test would be positive. Most women would expect AF around 14-16dpo so you probably have about another week to wait. i hope it is even longer and you succeed in conceiving!!!

10 years ago

AF came today :( That means my LP is 9 days. Now I guess I need to go back to the doctor. I have no idea what happens now.

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh no sorry to hear that :( What the doctors can do depends on the cause of the short luteal phase. If it is low progesterone they can supplement or put you on medication like clomid which will increase it. Don't stress about it, there is nothing you can do about it at this point, just wait and see. Easier said than done I know!! :)

10 years ago

I'm using maca root and doing the Soy Isoflavones before breaking down and seeing a doctor. My current OB/GYN is so not my jam! My concerns are nothing to worry about? My luteal phase is consistently 8 to 9 days long!
Seriously hoping the Soy will bring on a strong early ovulation this time around. Guess we'll see next week!

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

Thanks for your input, ladies. Here's an update..what do you think about this? Saturday when I though I had a visit from AF, it only lasted pretty much that morning. TMI alert-it was bright red with clots and cramping so I thought it had to be AF. Since then, no bleeding. My temps have been similar to pre-ovulatory temps. Was that my period? I'm testing in the morning. Eek! Hopefully that was a weird form of implantation spotting. What do you think?

10 years ago • Post starter

If your temperature has dropped I would say that it is AF even though it is light. But of course test to make sure. It would be cool if you were!!

10 years ago

Negative :( I went to a doc yesterday who didn't know much about charting. He thought it could still be a possibility that i'm pregnant even though my temp dropped. Said "everyone is different" Wish he wouldn't have gotten my hopes up! :(

10 years ago • Post starter

How frustrating for you! What helps me when I am in limbo is that I think about how my knowing I am pregnant doesn't change anything. There is no point stressing over whether I am or not because it is out of my control. My miscarriage really drove that home. I did everything right. I went to the hospital as soon as something was off, and ended up having heaps of scans and blood tests for weeks. Then, I miscarried quietly at home after the last scan showed no growth. I was devastated but what I regretted most was those many hours waiting at the hospital, all the anxiety and stress. If the baby was going to survive, it would have. There is absolutely nothing the hospital could have done. Had I known that, I would have stayed away and the outcome would have been the same, but I would have been more relaxed about the whole process. So, much as it is hard, I hope you are able to stress as little as possible. If you can bear to wait then eventually things will resolve themselves one way or another. Hopefully!

10 years ago

I have been feeling like i'm getting my period for a week now. Six days ago I had bleeding just in the morning but now...nothing! I feel like it's coming but it's been like this for almost a week. Anyone had that before? Here's my bbt chart.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi again. Based on your chart I would say that was most probably AF, even though it didn't last long. The temperatures dropped as expected at the same time and were down for a while.

You are like me and start your opks early :) The cycle I got pregnant (but miscarried) I ovulated on CD9! (My average is Cd 17). Hence, I start them at CD6 or 7 to be sure I catch the surge!

10 years ago

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