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For all of us who are out for February

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

595 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sorry I haven't been around much this week. It has been an emotional roller coaster.

So I went to the doc yesterday, she said I am having a chemical pregnancy, and now we just wait till AF shows (temp drop today... sooo anytime now). We are still going to try again this next month.

Hubby's SA was wonderful. He says he has super sperm and I guess he is right lol. Almost 40 million per whatever and no motility or morphology problems. So I guess it's all me lol.

I have been told everything under the sun from just stop trying, to just adopt and then it will happen, to do you think that you really need or want a baby, to it just must not be God's plan for you. I have had a hard time keeping my mouth shut. I was also told that a chemical pregnancy isn't a real pregnancy so I shouldn't be sad because I didn't really lose anything!

Work has been very difficult for me lately too as my nurses have been very disrespectful too me and I have finally had enough. I told my manager if she didn't fix it I am leaving. So we shall see.

I also upped my antidepressant from zoloft 100mg to 150mg daily so maybe I won't kill anyone lol

Currently waiting on AF

This next cycle we will be doing:
Clomid 100mg again- this time with lasix incase I need to pull off fluid
moon cup- also for my period, no tampons this month
OvaCue- fertility monitor
BBT- I may try vaginal temps this month
Fertilaid for Hubby
Fertile CM
Chiropractic adjustments
Immune supression after O with claritin, benadryl, pepcid, and baby aspirin, and maybe a steroid shot too lol

Maybe this will be it this cycle. I really hope so, if not we are going to a fertility specialist and will go from there

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago • Post starter

Bama - I am so sorry to hear your pregnancy is a chemical one. I had one a year ago and it was extremely hard to deal with. I had people saying that mine wasn't really a pregnancy then too and it hurt my feelings so bad. I just wish people would keep their mouths and opinions to themselves unless it is something that will be supportive. I absolutely hate hearing "It just isn't your time"...that makes me want to scream!

I will be joining you on this forum because I will probably not be able to try until mid to late June which would put me into the category of having a March baby! DH and I haven't talked about what our strategy is this time...I think we just have to get back into the swing of things again :)

GL to you...I hope we both will have March babies!!!!

11 years ago

oh, Bama.. i hope that you are ok..but i know its not ok for having a chemical pregnancy..well to me, a chem preg is still a real pregnancy as the sperm really does meet the egg..that is how pregnancy occurs right? So, you are pregnant, but the baby is jut being so active that it fell..poor lil baby..maybe the baby just being so excited to be your first..lets iust pray that this month, your baby will have a really strong grip to your uterus.. and the good news is on the way..

hopefulmom, i'm sorry for you..may be you could try the cup thingy during your fertile period? i havent tried to use that, but i read that many swears for it..

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11 years ago

Bama - people just need to shut up if they don't know what they are talking about, in general but especially for ttc. I love all the "helpful" advice I get. So many "concerned" people just "want the best for me."

Since I am not really trying again this cycle and don't expect my BFP, joining you ladies here. I'd love to have a March baby as I am one.

For anyone that doesn't know or can't remember, I tried for over a year before being sent to an OB/GYN, she discovered my thyroid was HUGE and levels elevated. Been seeing an endocrinologist since Dec 2012. Yet to get my levels worked out b/c my thyroid hates me. I am told that based on my history of normal cycles and no previous issues and my DHs SA, I should get pregnant once my levels are normal, included my elevated prolactin. We shall see. This marks cycle 25 (I think my calculation was right), although I haven't tried each cycle. Been taking a break for the past two cycles, no charting, OPKs, supplements. I will be trying this next cycle for sure.

11 years ago

pbc, yeah, ttc is so tiring and frustrating...i almost gave up so soon until i met you girls...i hope that you'll try again next month and we could have some good news soon...

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11 years ago

Good morning, ladies!

bama - I am so sorry to hear about the chemical. Pregnancy loss is heartbreaking no matter how far along you were. Feel free to vent your frustrations here on the idiotic things that people say to you as I'm sure many of us have heard the same. My mother is one of the few people that know we have been trying to get pregnant and she pretty much gave me the exact list of things you mentioned. Sorry for the trouble at work too. People suck sometimes.

hopeful - sorry you had to wait, but it's exciting to have a game plan!

Aie - I spent a good bit of time researching menstrual cups the other day and think I may be trying them for myself (for AF and for post-sex).

pbc - fingers crossed for you for sure this cycle! You have a TON of patience.

As for me, AF showed her ugly face yesterday so I will be joining you all over here. So, for those who don't know:
I'm 26, DH is 27
TTC since May 2012
My blood work and ultrasound check came out normal
DH's SA came out normal
We fall into the "unexplained infertility" category
I'm starting my first round of clomid this cycle at 50 mg.

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

11 years ago

Aiedahelmi- Thank you so much for the kind words. It has been a very rough week. DH and I are very upset still and it doesn't help that my period is now 4 days late and no signs of AF coming anytime soon.

Hopeful- I have been using moon cup and am planning on using it for my period too. I really like it. It gives a god seal, fits close to my cervix, easy to use, and reusable.

As for anyone new that missed the facebook frenzy
you can find me on there:
Stephanie Williams, Arley Alabama

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago • Post starter

(Bama, this is what I put on the other forum too)

Bama, with that long regimen... ask your dr if she would recommend additional folic acid... my dr's never suggested that to me until after this last miscarriage... now they want me taking even more than what is in my prenatal! That could help too! AND whoever told you that a chemical wasn't really even losing anything... BS... I want their name because I have some stuff to say to them... it is losing, there may not be a fetal pole but it was an egg that was fertilized by a sperm to form a pregnancy that was not viable... however it was a pregnancy, so not only did you physically lose a pregnancy you also lost the hope for the month of it being successful... when someone wants it so badly even a BFN each month is a loss! UGH I am fired up... I am glad I don't live in Alabama or I would be in some serious trouble. LOL! Big hugs to you my dear friend. Grrrrrr!

AFM, I am here... my birthday is March 31st, how awesome would it be for me to get a birthday baby... we shall see... technically I can't start with the meds until July 4th but I have a feeling I will start them sooner. Ha! You know me... not patient enough! I am sending out big hugs and prayers to all of you! This will be cycle 31 I believe, but month 36 of ttc! I am staying cautiously optimistic though. Let's have some March babies! :)

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11 years ago

For some odd reason I am feeling incredibly optimistic this time around!! Maybe being forced to sit out this time around has done some good for me mentally? Idk :) I hope to see tons and tons of BFP's on here.

I am going to try soft cups (I ordered them two cycles ago and just never got around to using them) and will use preseed again and will do opks as well. Now, all I have to do is get the 'ok' from my doctor and have AF come and we can start again!

GL everyone!

11 years ago

Hopeful, good luck to you this cycle! FX and praying you get your sticky BFP! I am ready to get going too... come the first I am going and getting my OPKs and start my stock pile of cheapie tests! :) My hubby said "ummm if we can't start until the end of June you are going to have 40 tests"... YEP! :)

So ladies, I am desperately missing the bedroom fun with my hubby! The bleeding lightens (almost stops completely) and then next thing I know it picks back up. I am going stir crazy so I know my hubby is too! UGH

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11 years ago

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