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Hopeful, but not sure

Had our second round of IUI on December 1st. I am 10 days past ovulation and yesterday (possible implantation day) i was moody, had some cramping and acne break out. today I am experiencing more cramps, breasts feel a bit tender, and I am pretty tired. Not sure if implantation occured.

In July we got pregnant with our first IUI. We miscarried at 8 weeks. I almost knew right away I was pregnant. some people say it's a feeling and I had that feeling. I also had cramps right away, back ache, tender breasts was tired and waves of neasua.

This time I feel some of those symptoms, but they come and go. there are days when I think for sure I was pregnant and others, i don't feel any different at all. obviously all we can do it wait until I can test for a BFP. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just scared to believe I might be pregnant. People say that miscarriages happen all the time and in some ways it's a blessing or a sign that things were wrong. I say, I agree, but it doesn't happen to me all the time and the blessing (after trying to conceive for almost 2 years) is the pregnancy alone. I want so much to believe & feel excited about this, but am just worried at the same time.

Anyone else have a similar store they want to share? I have read a lot of posts from young girls who have just started to TTC & I appreciate them, but I would reallly like to hear from the 35+ group who's been at this process for a while.

thanks for listening


4 Replies • 11 years ago



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I was trying to concieve for 2 years before we had our first IUI and got pregnant with our daughter! She was born this summer. I am 37.... and we are trying again. It took us 6 rounds of clomid also to get our first. I knew or had a feeling when I was pregnant also kindof right away.... I got my bfp around 10 dpo..... on a FRER. Unfortunately miscarriages are more common the older you are as well. Good luck this time! I hope you have a very sticky bean and the IUI worked!

11 years ago

Although I'm not in the 35+ group, DH (32) and I (26) have been actively trying for 23 months and not preventing for over 4 years. We are looking to have our 2nd IUI on Saturday with injectable hormones.

For the first IUI I had all those same symptoms. Are you taking progesterone? Because that is what I am taking and it has been super difficult to determine what "symptoms" are from the progesterone and which could be possible implantation. I was nauseous, had super tender breasts and had cramping.

Everyone always says they just "knew" they were pregnant. I really hope that happens for you! Sometimes I find myself thinking negatively that I'm definately not pregnant because after so long and so many negatives it's hard to stay positive and believe that you could be pregnant, it's just easier to have lower expectations and not be disappointed.

So I wish you the best of luck and try to stay positive!

11 years ago

Thanks for the encouraging words.

I am not taking pegestrone. my husband and I are in the unidentifiable infertial category. with both IUI's I took clomid for 5 days, did an injectable shot and the next day had the insemination. the odd part is the first time we got pregnant, we only had 1 folical and my husband's counts were normal, but on the lower side. this time around we had 3 folicles and my husband's counts were higher. We thought for sure that we would be pregnant this time around. I just don't see it happening. I am getting all the classic pms symptoms. it's such a frustrating process. I feel defeated.

Good luck to both you ladies. I hope for BFP's for all of us soon.


11 years ago • Post starter

no baby this cyle. started up on our thrid round of clomid last week. hopefully 3rd time is the charm :)

Good luck and Happy Holidays


11 years ago • Post starter

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