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Cycle March 5, 2015 - March 29, 2015

My cycles have been pretty regular at 30 days. My last pregnancy was in October 2014 when I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant but it turned out to be ectopic forcing me to have my right Fallopian tube removed and half of my right ovary removed due to a large cyst. My OBGYN claims the cyst was the reason for the Fallopian tube damage which blocked the embryo from reaching the uterus. 2 months after the procedure my husband and I decided to try again. So far its been a no go so I decided to join countdown to pregnancy for some assistance on our journey becoming parents. Below this paragraph you will see my most recent cycle which I am still on and will add more dates as the cycle ends. My next expected AF is due on April 4th, 2015. I am hoping AF will be a no show this month and will have a happy and health pregnancy.

CD 1 - Light bleeding, low cramps
CD 2 - Medium bleeding, medium cramps
CD 3 - Heavy bleeding, high cramps
CD 4 - Heavy bleeding, low cramps
CD 5 - Medium bleeding, no cramps
CD 6 - Light bleeding, no cramps
CD 7 - Light bleeding, last day, no cramps,
CD 8 - Spotting dark brown, low cramps
CD 9 - No cervical fluid, no other symptoms
CD 10 - Creamy cervical fluid, no other symptoms
CD 11 - Sticky cervical fluid, no other symptoms
CD 12 - Eggwhite cervical fluid, Increased Sex Drive
CD 13 - Eggwhite cervical fluid, Increased Sex Drive
CD 14 - Eggwhite cervical fluid, Increased Sex Drive, Positive OPK
CD 15/0 DPO - Eggwhite cervical fluid, Increased Sex Drive, Positive OPK
CD 16/1 DPO - Water cervical fluid, backache, diarrhea, gassy, increased sex drive, increased appetite, ovulation pain, tender breasts
CD 17/2 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, gassy, nausea, tender breasts
CD 18/3 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, backache, fatigue, headache, increased appetite, increased sex drive, ovarian pain, tender breasts.
CD 19/4 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, backache, bloated, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, gassy, nausea, tender breasts, stuffy nose.
CD 20/5 DPO - Sticky cervical fluid and very light spotting, backache, bloated, cramps, fatigue, gassy, increased appetite, tender breasts.
CD 21/6 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, backache, bloated, constipation, cramps, fatigue, heartburn, increased appetite, irritability, nausea, tender breasts.
CD 22/7 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, backache, bloated, cramps, gassy, irritability, nausea, tender breasts.
CD 23/8 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, backache, bloated, constipation, cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, gassy, heartburn, increased sex drive, irritability, nausea, skin outbreak, sleep deprived, tender breasts. BFN (I know its too early but I couldn't resist)
CD 24/9 DPO - Dry cervical fluid, severe backache, bloated, sore breasts, constantly sore and erect nipples, all over body pain, gassy, easily irritated, increased sex drive, nausea after eating, increased urination.
CD 25/10 DPO - Sticky cervical fluid with spotting, high/medium soft/closed (can hardly reach cervix now), very faint BFP, mild crams similar to AF, severe backache, elevated heart rate, gassy (bad smelling), nausea (mainly after eating anything sweet), very sore breasts (unable to lay on them), aches and pains in all joints, easily irritated (moody), constipation (along with medium cramping, hungry (but have a constant full feeling), increased urination (every 1-3 hours).
CD 26/11 DPO - AF has arrived 5 days sooner than usual. This is not common for me. Worried my cycles have become irragular.

*My little seed,* *Come find your home,* *Live within me,* *In my womb.* *Grow my precious seed,* *Into a baby to be.* *I yearn to feel you move,* *And kick within me.* *I'll soon await your arrival,* *No matter how long it will be.* *My baby, my love,* *You will soon be with me.* ~*Victoria*~

0 Comments • 9 years ago



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