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Long shot

Well I didn't think I'd be back here ... And before people get up in arms not every pregnancy is a breeze yes, I get pregnant easy yes I get pregnant on accident but its never unwanted. Only twice have I had the private of trying and they died. And I have had almost a year of trying with nothing I'm not calling myself infertile but please do not harp at me for being insensitive, I am anything but. I have lost 80% of the babies I have conceived I am hoping and praying this long shot of an accident around the time of ovulation will result in a miracle baby after the losses of 4 when we were trying for our 4th ( 2 bio one adoption and 5 previous m/c) so here I am again on the 28th ill be 10dpo I normally get a positive at 8dpo ... So I'm hoping to test in a week ( I have short cycles)

3 Comments • 10 years ago



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10 years ago • Post starter

Have the doctors looked into what could be causing the m/c's?? I've been through 4 losses and fall into the "unexplained" bucket, which really sucks. Going through a loss is absolutely heartbreaking. Hope you don't have to experience another one ever again. Best wishes! :)

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10 years ago

Yes, the first ones were caused by MTHFR a genetic disorder that causes clotting that ends normally pregnancies and is foun by a simple blood test and the second strand was my thyroid - hypothyroidism under active also a blood yet but it has to be tested over and over if suspected because in the first year it can go up and down daily/weekly and be missed

10 years ago • Post starter

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