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I had a scan at 6.1 weeks - Hcg day before was 8000. Only managed to see yolk sac - i am concerned..

I am trying to stay calm - they have asked me back in a couple of weeks. I asked a couple of women who said they were in a similar situation, and for them it has worked out fine..what is the likelihood of blighted ovum? Any experience ladies (my levels at 4.3 weeks was 268 - so my levels have doubled every 60 hrs)

10 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Hi Tara. Ah, sorry you weren't given more definitive results. I am not sure how much you can always see at 6w but I have read where some women only see the yolk sack on the first u/s and the baby appears on the next u/s. You could be earlier along than you thought. I know I was right on the border there (5w5-6d) and we were able to see the fetus and heartbeat, but that is likely not the case with everyone. Your hCG sounds great. There is always a chance of a blighted ovum but considering all the issues that have been on here of late, it seems we have a statistical anomaly in early pregnancy problems. Hoping that is not the case with you...

11 years ago

Thks Soci :)

11 years ago • Post starter

Thks Soci :)

11 years ago • Post starter

I found this for you (and there's someone else who just posted with the same issue so must be more common than we thought)...

"I am an ultrasound tech and it's totally normal not to see a heartbeat until up to 6wks 5 days. the absolute earliest it can be detected is 5w5d. The yolk sac is a good sign. Blighted ovums dont have yolk sacs. a couple more days and they will be able to see the heartbeating. Good luck!!"

Here's the link:

11 years ago

Soci, that was a really helpful link - Thank you..Also, I have now heard back from 3 women who asked a similar question on this site and they are either happily pregnant or have had their beautiful babies :))) so I should just learn to relax...

11 years ago • Post starter

I just have to clear something up....I had a blighted ovum at 6 weeks in 2007 and there was 100% a yolk sac on ultrasound.

Very sorry for your frustration and what you are going through. I hope all works out. You can private message me if that helps!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago

I'm going thru the same thing right now. When do you go back to the dr?

11 years ago

In 2 weeks - I have now communicated with 3 women - who are doing just fine after asking similar questions in the past, but as u can see Bostonmama had a blighted ovum - she advised me that her hcg did plateau after some weeks and she had some spotting at 8 weeks...I am now 7 weeks today - and really been feeling nauseated the last couple of days - so I think that is a good sign that my hcg is rising..

Also..I know it's hard not knowing - but I am trying as much as possible to hold off from having too many scans - I know there is no evidence, but I am sceptical of whether the scans are 'completely' safe - also, if you read the medical literature they usually dont say 'completely' safe and 'safest' scans is not the same thing as 'completely safe'...

How many weeks are u? and your hcg? and did they see the yolk sac?

11 years ago • Post starter

You must be so stressed!!! I have actually experienced this twice and once everything was fine and once it was a m/c. But, why don't you just get a quantitive blood test then another in a couple of days? If the level goes up you can feel fairly confident that everthing is fine.

11 years ago

Thank you PatriciaRose for ur kind words :) I am pretty confident that the HCG has gone up - as been feeling much worse nausea these last 2 hopefully a good sign :) But u r right - I should just get my hcg done's just that getting that done in the UK is a mission in itself :)

11 years ago • Post starter

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