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Anyone TTC after having a D&C?

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I finally got my on Oct. 22, 2014
On Dec 23 I had my first ultrasound appointment at 12 week of pregnancy. Excited to see my baby for the first time when I got the worst news ever. The baby had no heart beat and had not lived pass 9 weeks 1 day. So many emotions ran through me. I was taken completely by surprise because there was no signs of a miscarriage. No heavy bleeding, no pain, nothing. I decided to go through with the D&C which was performed the day after Xmas. 3 days later I was in so much pain. I thought it was normal. They felt just like contractions. The next day I couldn't take the pain anymore and decided to go to the ER. They did a ultrasound to find out that I was still pregnant and that's why I was having painful contractions. They also explained that sometimes this happens and they would have to do another D&C. I did the 2nd surgery on Jan 2nd.

One question is, How long did you wait to try to conceive after having a D&C?

2 different doctors gave me 2 different answers. One said I could wait after my first period, another doctor said wait 2 months

152 Replies • 9 years ago



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I'm 5dpo today, I been trying my best not to think about it. I Really don't want to test early but I don't think I'm going to make it pass 11dpo without testing. No real symptoms yet. if only there was a way to know sooner.

Nam good luck I hope everything comes out normal and perfectly healthy, keep us posted.

9 years ago • Post starter

Don't want to get my hopes up just yet, but couldn't resist testing as I have loads of cheapies and there is a very faint pinkish line there!!

Have a look and see what u think it's on the 9dpo images

9 years ago

When I invert the imagine, I definitely see a line. I know you don't want to get your hope up but I'm excited for you. Keep testing to see if it gets darker.

9 years ago • Post starter

Thank you, will test again in the morning and see. Fingers crossed it's more visible/darker

9 years ago

hey CAZ,

looks like i can see the line too . Wishing u a BFP soon.

As for us, all the tests came out normal. Just have to get the SA done tomorrow and my follicular study, it will be CD10 for me. I usually ovulate on CD 12 or CD13.

Will have to wait for my doctors decision after the SA results come out. Husband will be back from work trip today . So hopefully he will be ready to go for SA tomorrow. The doctor also said he needs 3-5 days break before he goes for SA test. hopefully his swimmers are looking good after a 5 day gap.

9 years ago

Nams after your husbands SA appt tomorrow will you guys try this cycle or will you being waiting for the test results?

9 years ago • Post starter

Thank you, I have done another test today and there is def a pink line so looks like I have my bfp! I'm so happy but at the same time after what happened last time will be worried until my scan.

Venus have you tested yet? Or when will u test?

Nams good luck with the app tomorrow, how long till the results come back?

Wishing that you both get your bfp too- you have been my rock over the last couple of months and couldn't have got through it without you.

9 years ago

Caz I'm checking your photos out and that line is getting darker everyday I'm so happy for you!

I caved in and tested at 9dpo and it was but that okay because it's still to early for me. And even if this is not my the cycle I will remain positive so I can eventually get a positive lol

Keep posting pictures I would like to see them

9 years ago • Post starter

CAZ, be positive. Everything will work out fine and very healthy this time. Our wishes are with you, dont stress urself thinking abt past. .

VENUS , we are trying this month, already started bd'ng:). I should be ovulating in the next couple of days.
doc said all the results are normal. My husband gave his SA sample yesterday. Preliminary results looked good. The final results should be ready by next 2 days from which my doc is waiting for the morphology of the swimmers. I will be going again on Tuesday for Follicular study.

She is quite confident that everything is fine, she just says its matter of time. So looks like no IUI this month as i am already running out of my ovulation and results not coming on time.

Hey CAZ, just had a question. Did u try something different this time and how often should we bd during and around ovulation?

9 years ago

Thanks both of you, am just going to enjoy it and not think about before as that won't do any good.

Venus keep positive, have you tested again?

The only thing I did different was start taking 100mg of B6.
I noticed around ovulation that I had a lot more ewcm than usual and I think it's to do with the B6.

Below is the results of my opk testing and when we dtd

Sat- Test line same colour as control line - dtd
Sun- Same colour again - dtd
Mon- Darker than control line
Tues- Darker than control line - dtd

I believe my ovulation day was tues 3rd March

Hope this helps

Nams do u use opk's?

9 years ago

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