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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Storm - I am sending you a super big HUG!!!!

TTC #4 User Image

8 years ago

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it ladies. I never knew that about crying though, that's interesting. I do feel much better.

Rest peacefully baby Angel Hope<img src=

8 years ago

I'm right there with you storm. I broken down today when I got the negative too. Its discouraging when others can get early tests and it makes me feel like I may not be even though I feel like I am.
Its so different this time since I'm actually trying. When I got pregnant with my son I was on birth control and it was first try.(i hadn't had sex in over a year when I conceived my son) I never paid any attention to early 'symptoms' because I thought I was safe.
This time I feel like I have every symptom but maybe they aren't even symptoms since I can't seem to get a positive test even though I'm only a few days out from predicted af
Oh forgot to add. I've been really itchy the last two days on top of the nipple sensitivity and smells bothering me. Anyone else ever have that as a symptom? Mostly my legs but I can't get it to go away

8 years ago

You aren't out until AF rears her ugly head!!!

I only have one test in my cupboard and will be using it 4/17/16 and not a day before (she says). Last round I caved and tested about 5 times and all far too early - turns out I never even ovulated so I learned my lesson!! It's so hard though isn't it!

8 years ago

Well based off temps, opk and symptoms I ovulated CD12 and inseminated CD8-12 (once each day) so if the sperm was good I have a very high chance according to this site. Which will make it all the more disappointing if it doesn't work.

8 years ago

Storm and fruit loops please don't give up . It ain't over until the witch shows . I tested on Day AF was due and still got negatives with my first two pregnancies . I even had implantation spotting and everything .

Nothing going on here in KY. 8 DPO and I don't feel a darn thing . Few cramps off and on and I too feel like CM has all dried up .

Positive vibes ladies and loads of

8 years ago

Storm, hang in there. I got a bfn yesterday at 7dpo too. I was really hoping and trusting that this would be my month. 6 cycles in and nothing. I wasn't trying when I conceived my DS, he was a surprise, so this is my first time trying really and I am beyond frustrated.

My husband thinks I'm ridiculous for being so frustrated, he keeps telling me to relax, that it's no big deal. Sometimes I want to punch him (lol) because I just want someone on the same page as me.

He's very reluctantly going to see a fertility doc with me after this cycle. He insists we don't need it, since we managed to conceive the first one naturally.

At this point, I'm just waiting for Af to arrive so I can start fresh and hopefully go on clomid next cycle.

Let's stay together girls. We aren't out yet.

Welcome to all the new comers!!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

Just seen this thread . I hope you don't mind if I join. I am also 7dpo today let me tell you this tww sucks!! I really hope this is our month!! to everyone!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Thanks Kentucky. I am hoping. I'm peeing like crazy today and having really low cramping and bloaty gas. If it's still negative Wednesday or af shows up I'm gonna get checked for uti. My tmps are staying up which his good though.
I'm hoping for you as well

8 years ago

I really appreciate the support and kind words. I'm actually relieved the pg test is used now I dont have to obsess over when I can use it. I have a couples weekend with my gf, so I am looking forward to that. Hotel on the lake and couples massage. If af hasn't shown its ugly face I'll test Monday morning.

Donna you're not out yet hun hang in there with us.
Fruitloops it'll happen, sounds like your chances are really high.
Kentucky thanks for that. Yeah my cm is drying up too. I read that it can happen in pregnancy or pms. I hate tricky symptoms like that.

And welcome Miami, you're going to fit right in.

BFPs are coming soon ladies

Rest peacefully baby Angel Hope<img src=

8 years ago

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