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Infertility Buddies!

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Anyone out there who has infertility, primary or secondary.
No matter your age, how many kids you already have etc

A place to talk about tests & treatments and of course chasing the illusive

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

60 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello ladies! Today is a better day for me, I was feeling a little down yesterday. I feel like there is pregnancy all around me and I guess it got to me yesterday but glad I could bounce back today

mnor- to afford the IVF we went through ARC first of all. You can pick a one cycle package or two or three. With each cycle you get one fresh IVF and any left over stored for a year and then a frozen cycle if needed(which we did) The packages have a price with insurance and without. Our insurance paid for monitoring but that was it and meds are not included in the package price. you can apply for financial help with ARC and whatever they qualify you for is basically put on a credit card. we used the credit card that they qualified us for on meds and used a personal credit card on the package we chose so we could make payments. I liked getting the package because we got embroy storage and FET for free while just paying for one cycle of IVF. It was still a lot but I figured some people go a vacation, buy furniture or cars, I'm spending my money on a baby! Good Luck!!! Hoping you can just do IUI though

12 years ago

I have baby brain today! Its all I can think about!!! My husband turns 40 in 4 months and we both decided if we are not pregnant by then we would stop trying and move on....I am feeling the crunch now though!! I know it is for the best, infertility has been a part of our life for so long!! UGH! Just a bad day I just have to stay positive!! Sorry I just needed to vent!!!! I hope everyone is having a good day and we all get our very soon

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12 years ago

ttc4#2- i am sorry to hear of your crunch time. I know making that decision and sticking to it is not easy at all. Fighting infertility can become an addiction that is hard to break I hope you are successful and get you I'm rooting for you

AFM-11 dpo and I'm thinking I'm out for this month again my ovulation symptoms have started running into my PMS symptoms making it very confussing but I'm pretty sure this month was unsuccessful Looking on to the next

Hope everyone is doing well and close to our


12 years ago

Babylove- Thanks for the encouragement!! I know how hard it is to wait for that bfp every month. Hang in there it will happen.

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12 years ago

Hi everyone! My hubby and I have been ttc for 17 months now with no luck. I'm 30, he's 32, and niether of us have children, though being a mother is all I've ever wanted to be. I'm an elementary teacher and sometimes feel so guilty for just wishing I had one of my own and that it isn't fair that the parents of the kids in my class have several kids when they don't even take care of them. During our 13th month, he had a sperm test done and I had a blood test and exam. All came out normal. I have always been regular and never had any issues. This month, my dr. diagnosed me with unexplained infertility and has referred me to a fertility specialist that I go to in 2 1/2 weeks. I'm praying I get a BPF this weekend or early next week, but I've been let down so many times, I'm starting to find it hard to keep having faith. I guess I'm just frustrated and have started questioning the decision to wait until I finished college, got married, and got tenured before trying to have kids. I never thought it would be this hard. No one in my family has ever had any problems conceiving (I'm the oldest of 4, my sister already has a boy by accident, and my mom is the youngest of 9!). I'm hoping by talking to other women in my position might help me through this whole process. Baby dust to all this month!

12 years ago

Hey everybody! Hope you are all doing well. I am on Cd 19 after taking femara and still no positive OPK. My right ovary has been burning for a couple of days. What do you think this is? Has anyone else felt burning around the ovaries? I don't think it's ovulation...I think I will call my doctor today.

12 years ago

rissa- Welcome and I understand how you feel. We wait until we are ready only to find out we will be waiting a lot longer than we ever imagined It is good to hear everything came back normal with you and your husbands tests I think going to a specialist is def the way to go. When we first went it really helped give us hope again, I am sure they will be able to give you some options! and hang in there!

12 years ago

HI Ladys!! How is everyone doing?? Any good news out there??

@Rissa 30 is young! But I understand how you feel. I am 34 trying to do this YIKES!

I hope everyone is doing well. I would love to hear some updates! I am in the TWW and trying not to go crazy! I had an IUI on CD 14 and I am now 5 dpo!! Cant wait to start testing
to all!!

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12 years ago

ttc4baby2- i am so excited for you and have my fingers crossed for you Good luck and i hope to here BFP news from you !!!!!

12 years ago

hey ladies!

CD9 for me, having bloods taken for ovulation this cycle and DH has his semen in the lab for analysis. Next cycle is my HSG and our consultantrs appointment.

s all round for summer!

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago • Post starter

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