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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

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Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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Well ladies.....update as of 12:30 pm......

is here!!!!

Cramps started bad and so has the flow .

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Thank you, Cristi! I really hope they're holding our babies for us! <3

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Part 1 of 2:

Blushing: I hope you get to TTC soon, it is stressful, but also kind of exciting . I did not get to do acupuncture yesterday despite of all the mental preparations , I will have to wait for next week.

pennylane: and Happy 1DPO!!! (or 2DPO)

acrichton: I have no info about levels, but it sounds high. Plus doctors tend to count assuming you ovulated on CD14, if you ovulated later the levels will be lower then they expect.
I bet everything is perfect, for a nice double level for today's test!

Lacey: So nice to see you here again, missed you.
So glad everything is good with and the little bean .

Ashley: Welcome to our little circle and !!!
thanks for the videos

pbc: All these medical issues are just so confusing and complex, it is crazy....
I hope the thyroid will give you no trouble getting your little sticky bean !

gds: From what you are saying about your CM, it looks like you ovulated a little later this month, and yesterday Nov 20 was more like 13DPO. Nov 13 would have been way to early for a HPT, did you test today?
Are you sure that it is that you got today?

Cristi: YEY!!!! Happy 1DPO!!!!
My test results are at the bottom here, my plans are always great in theory its the going through with them that is always hard, but I will try, maybe this time I get something right .
Your DH sounds great, I hope he manages to keep you calm in the next couple of weeks.
Did you try breathing exercises? It sounds so simplistic, but it actually works, I was amazed. I am more calm and optimistic.

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10 years ago

Part 1 of 2:

tgpreg: Sounds like you did everything you could to catch that egg!
Remember that even if you get everything right, it is only a 20% chance of a sticky .
I that you got this egg, but if not, just keep doing what you did this month and you'll have a very very soon!

sugar: If you need info. about BBT you can ask here, the ladies here have tons of knowledge! The basics: check BBT around the same time every morning (or whenever it is you normally wake up) after at least 3 hours of continous sleep. If you have any questions I would love to help .
CD8 sounds like a good day to start OPK based on the info you provided. Again around the same time everyday, after 2 hours of not drinking, best in the evening.
Sperm test is one of the easiest tests, and 50% chance that the issue is his, doctors normally recommend the guy do the test before the woman does anything, plus, guy issues are mostly easy to fix by a cleanse that takes several months, so I would send DH for that if I were you. But I am sure you guys have a reason for your decision.
The rest of them, I agree, they sound so invasive and painful (not to mention stressful).
You can try and do yoga at home, even if only 30 minutes a day it would help.
I am sorry to be ignorant, but when is the US Thanksgiving everyone is talkign about? The Canadian one was in October.
Thank you for the video, I think I will try that too.

AFM: CD15, still no signs of ovulation.
So the test results were mainly ok, DH was bordering on the norm on normal form and maturity and I have polycystic ovaries (apparently this does not necessarily mean I have polycystic ovarian syndrome).
We ended up with just an intake appointment yesterday at the neuropathic clinic, so no acupuncture yet, that will happen next Wednesday.
We now have a referral to a fertility specialist which is a 3 hour drive and a 4-24 month waiting list.
The doctor looked at our supplement list and said that it seems pretty good, so I am sticking with it for now, he will look more into it next Wednesday.

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10 years ago

Koti - Isn't that crazy how you can have poly-cystic ovaries but not have PCOS? And then I have PCOS but I don't have the cysts. The good news is I know several ladies in real life that have poly-cystic ovaries and have had a healthy pregnancy, but they did have to try harder than others. Good luck to you. I'm glad it wasn't anything serious.

10 years ago

pennylane: Thanks. And yes the whole fertility health is just so complex and confusing. You can have 0% chance of conceiving and get a , or you can have everything just perfect and not get pregnant, it is just so wierd. But I guess it happens when it is supposed to right???

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10 years ago

Definitely . It's gotten progressively worse since the day has gone by. Just like my previous cycles. I was really praying this was it. Already told DH he better be ready to BD next week.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

gds: Sorry got you, that witch!
It helps me have a plan in place when a new cycle starts .
Your DH better be ready!!!

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10 years ago

Sugar, we lay there for about 20-30 minutes after with my legs up on the headboard. Haha! Anything we can do to help his guys get to where they need to be going! I don't want them tiring out too early! :) Age is killing us... you know in our heads we are still in our twenties, until we try to do the things we did when we were 20 and yep not happening! LOL!

GDS. I'm so sorry the witch got you. The brown spotting is old blood (according to my RE), I was hoping it would be good news. FX and Baby dust for next cycle.

Kot, thank you! I am saying today is 2 DPO but who really knows without anything more than my trigger shots to go by! Ha! My DH is amazing and so very supportive! He even offered to move into my mom's when I started the shots incase I got too hormonal and witchy (wasn't that sweet of him LOL)! Of course he was joking! I will have to try the breathing exercises... my sister is a massage therapist and into natural/healthy remedies, all organic etc. I'm sure she can coach me on some exercises to do! She is getting her license for prenatal massage right now so when I get pregnant I can go to her. (I'm not sure I can trust anyone more!) Thanks for the suggestion, will def be doing it! You know my RE told me I had polycystic ovaries, but said it doesn't mean I have PCOS... what the heck am I suppose to do with that information? That is good that your hubby is on the normal side (my husbands urologist told him something to take and I can't remember the name I will ask him for you to help his guys a little bit... kind of like a prenatal for men/fertility drug). 3 hour drive and 4-24 month list... ugh! I drive 2 hours to mine, but they got me in within 2 months of my referral... .I am hoping they do the same for you! Where do you have to drive to? I'm sorry, can't remember where you said you live! FX and prayers that you get your BFP before going to the specialist!

AFM, 2 dpo and nothing to report other than my house is starting to look like a Christmas store! I have so many collections that I started as a kid and refuse to part with anything. (I get this from my mother!) I'm super ready for next week... my mouth is watering thinking of all the food! :) Have a great evening everyone!

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10 years ago

Acrichton- you get those results yet? Excited for you!!

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10 years ago

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