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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey ladies! I'm CD8 today. Headache's gone for the most part!
Blue: Hope u feel better soon.

Law: are you ok? How's the assignment coming on?

Jada: I see you are making good use of your time away from work. Hope the storm doesn't bother you too much.

Afmedic: how are things with you? Feeling anymore 'pregnant'?

Luv: I agree with you totally regarding the VDay 'show' some people put on!

SMH: I hope baby girl holds on until its time before she makes her appearance.

Cam: Hey girl! How's it going? Have you guys finished setting up house yet?

10 years ago

Hey babies and soon to have a baby. I'm doing ok sitting here recording myself reading so I can study on the weekend. We have two weeks before we move. I have gotten a case of the horny bug so we have been bding lol like teenagers. Im praying that Rella waits two more weeks at least lol...get ready Smh. Jada, Jan, Luv, Blue, Afm howdy ladies!!!!

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10 years ago

@JLHart; Your smoothies sounds delish! I was doing smoothies for a while but they were making me so dang cold I had to stop. But my parents and brother are addicted to them. They use kale instead of spinach. Well done with the weight loss! I only pray I can see the 130s on the scale again some day. My goodness that would be a dream come true! I am so excited for your extra long weekend!!! And yay that he is doing the SA in the morning so you can bd tomorrow night :) I am doing pretty good emotionally. I still hasn't really sunk in. I know I am in for the shock of a lifetime once Rella is finally born. I've been too busy to really give it much thought and I know if I do I will freak out... so I am keeping busy instead :) Thank you, and all the other ladies, for the continual support and friendship. I would not be here today if it wasn't for this forum. You ladies are the best! I will try to stay in touch once she is here. I couldn't imagine not continuing to follow and cheer you ladies on!

@luv: Love your tradition of Pita Pit! What do you usually get? We don't have Pita Pits out here but I've heard of them. We don't do anything for V day since its dh's birthday. He got me roses one year but I bitched at him for wasting money, lol. I told him to never again get my flowers on V day since they mark them up so much :) Ya for the fertile period, boo for constipation. All the peeing now will get you ready for pregnancy!

@janise: So happy your headache is gone! I too hope Rella stays put for a little while longer!

@cam: You go girl! You horndog you! Love it! Haha!! I hope Rella stays put for at least a week longer but she definitely has a mind of her own.. so we'll see...

AFM: Its official! Tomorrow is my last day of work!!!! I told my boss I won't leave him hanging so if he has question he can call but I will technically in the 1 week wait period for my short term disability to kick in! I will use sick time for the 5 working days during the wait period then the 60% pay will kick in! Wooohoo!! I am hoping my boss doesn't abuse my kindness and take advantage... we'll see.

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10 years ago

SMH- They put me on light duty. I worked 12 hour shifts till I was 20 weeks then from 20-28 weeks I worked 8 hour shift. At 28 weeks they stuck me in an office on 4 hour shifts till delivery. I totally understand wanting a break!! I think by 36 weeks I was just so exhausted can't say I got much work done LOL. I hope Baby comes soon, Did she strip your membranes?

Luv- I will be 7 weeks and 1 day. Sorry you are still so constipated and feeling down, I wish I could do something to make it better. Be careful with drinking to much water, it can cause water toxicity.

Blue- I hope you feel better hun

Jada- Wooohoo for a long weekend. We got some snow last night but it was all melted by the morning, tonight we are due for some sleet so we have a 2 Hour delay, which means crazy day for us because we have scopes all day. Thank goodness for a 3 day week at least

Law- I am doing ok, felt better today then I have. What about you? I hope you make it with power though the storm!!

Janise- I do have some symptoms, but can't really say I feel prego. Just tiered and nauseas occasionally. Though today my bbs kinda hurt, prob because my bra is getting a little tight LOL...Glad your headache went away for the most part I hope it stays away.

Hello Cam!! Whoo hoo get it girl LOL.

AFM- not much to report, have a 2 hour delay for work tomorrow, hoping to get the whole day but I doubt it. for V-day we are going out to dinner, Steak yummy!!! Gonna have our lil bit with us so not too romantic, but hey its all good.

10 years ago

@Afmedic: Your Vday plans sound fun! I asked my dh if he wanted to get and grill steaks but he didn't seem interested. I on the other hand I want steaks so I might have to get me one! Haha! You are a trooper for working up until your delivery date! The worst part of working out of the house was getting ready in the morning and driving to work, and driving home. She did not strip my membranes. What exactly is that? I've heard it but it don't know what it means. I sure hope your 2 hour delay gets turned into a full day delay! Fx!

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10 years ago

janise glad you are feeling better! And that you're at a pretty calm part of your cycle :)

Cam woohoo for BD! Get it girl! LOL! Wow you will have a lot going on here, GL with packing and everything! And studying, wow. Somehow it will all get done :)

SMH yay it's your last day of work!!! I am so excited for you! Then you can just relax and wait for Rella :) Usually I get hummus or chicken souvlaki at the Pita Pit. When I get a pita I like greek flavors. I get the same veggie toppings and tzatziki whichever pita I choose. I love it because it's low calorie and super healthy. DH gets very meaty pitas LOL...not so healthy :) Happy bday to your DH! Smart to not waste money on big presents and such. I like flowers but I'd rather get them the day after V-day when they're marked down 75% ;)

afmedic yum for steak dinner! Sounds delicious :) I made steak last night actually, great minds think alike! Don't worry, I won't give myself hyponatremia. Years of marathoning has made me extremely aware of my body's responses to imbalance.

AFM CD 12, not much going on really! Excited for the temps to go up a bit around here. By Tuesday it should be in the upper 30s which is amazing. Can't wait to see some snow melt.

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: Both pitas sound amazing! And that's great they are low cal! I would probably get the fatty meat ones, lol! Though I have been on a kick where all I want to eat is "rice salad" which is a mixture of white and brown rice, then I add dried cranberries, goat cheese, garlic powder, and white balsalmic dressing. OMG it is to die for! I just ate a huge bowl... which was a mistake because dh wants to go to mexican for his birthday lunch. I am hoping I can carve some more room out in the ol' belly for some chicken fajitas! Lol. I can't believe you consider upper 30s warm. Brrr!!! I always thought the Seattle Area has the worst weather but I'd date 40s and rainy over frigid cold any day! I'm getting excited for you to O. Should be around next Tuesday right?

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10 years ago

Hey ladies!.

Has anyone ever taken Vitex? What was the outcome if you did?

10 years ago

Double post...sorry.

10 years ago

Hey Janise! I've never taken vitex. I've know a couple people who have but they didn't have any luck with it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!

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10 years ago

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