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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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hi everyone.

miami and cocoa - i know that feeling. my DS is almost 2 so everyone is asking me when i will have the 2nd. i have friends who had a baby around the same time i had my DS and it seems like 99.9999% of them are pregnant again and they keep asking me when its my turn. family members keep asking me too. i dont know to cry, or to punch them, or to laugh it off.

i feel a bit more sorry for myself today too - being emotional is an AF symptom for me. 12dpo today and BFN.

husband is being indecisive - some days when i am sobbing my face off, he will tell me we can do IUI after the summer. today, i am very very down but no tears, he will tell me to suck it up and keep trying. im mad because hes not even going to consider medical intervention rather soon than later. sometimes i feel selfish but from where i stand we have NOTHING to lose from trying IUI.

and hello welcome back kungfu - sorry abt the CP. you could have missed it on the opk this time, are your cycles usually this long? do you temp? fingers crossed!

i feel like throwing in the towel and giving up on this ttc thing all together.

wishing you ladies all the best and sticky vibes!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Good morning/afternoon ladies

I went home last night and told my DH about my cousin being Prego I think he was a little disappointed for us too. I sure hope things start happening for all of us!!

10 DPO ever since last night I been having more cramping and pinching. I woke up this morning and my temps are super low hopefully its an implantation dip.. Guess I will find out tomorrow. I am hopeful this cycle but I don't want to get too excited!


how is everyone else doing today?

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Miam - I have my FX crossed for you today.

Primadonna - My DH was like that for a while too. I broke down a few times and told him I couldn't do it alone and was beginning to feel like I was pushing him into IVF. He still didn't seem too keen on the idea until yesterday when we got our start date for IVF! We're both over the moon to have an actual date after so long and DH is now talking like its actually going to happen. From a male perspective they don't have to do too much anyway

I'm 10dpo and still not got many symptoms. I have loads and loads of creamy discharge but I think I may get this before AF :-(

8 years ago

Kungfupanda - Sorry about your CP . Trust your body, perhaps your ovulating late after your CP so I would keep testing and keeping an eye out for your ovulation signs. Do you get ovulation pain or EWCM?

8 years ago

13dpo and just noticed a stain when i wiped. i think AF is otw, i just feel so fed up every time at this stage....

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. Been a little while.
I am 7dpo
I had very severe cramps yesterday
Wondering what that means.

Hang in there Ladies, its nt over year!

8 years ago

all the best Vannie:)

8 years ago • Post starter

i am praying really hard that this is delayed IB and that AF wont come and my temp wont drop tomorrow.... but i think AF wins.

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey there ladies,

I have felt like total crap the last two days. I was hoping my temp would have went up this morning, but it was the exact same as yesterday granted I got hardly any sleep last night I was tossing and turning so I am hoping its just messed up from that. I'm not expecting AF til Sunday so I'm really hoping its just a messed up temp.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Hey guys,

Just to let you know got a positive hpt today. Thank you for all the positive comments and support and good luck this month. I feel a bit down actually. Just got this feeling it's not going to last. There's so much that can go wrong and I'm only 3-4 weeks. I had a miscarriage about three years ago and haven't tried since. Really really worried :-/

8 years ago

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