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10DPO looking for a buddy

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Category: Trying to Conceive - TTC My First Child
Posted by heatherannm10 » 12 hours ago

I nearly can't handle the anticipation any longer!

I have 30-32 day cycles, I am on CD 26, Ovulation was on Oct 24th-ish, the next day felt a long hard cramp where my right ovary would be (first time ever feeling that) Then on Halloween started to notice light spotting only when I wipe on Thursday, some Friday and enough to wish I had a pantie liner is still early and there's more redder blood. The Hubby just bumped into my boob and it was rather tender! I am so excited! Im trying to not let these symptoms go to my head and get me all worked up if i get a BFN.., but Im having a hard time.

Any great ideas of how to share a BFP with the Hubby if I get one? I really want to do something cleaver!

Thanks Baby Dust to you all!!


239 Replies • 10 years ago



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Aceron, how are you doing?

9 years ago • Post starter

Thanks ladies. I am feeling slightly better emotionally but rarely smile or laugh. At least I'm not crying every day anymore. I stay to myself quite a bit. I am still bleeding but my milk production has stopped. I have my follow up with my Dr on July 23rd. Hopefully everything will be fine and she'll tell me we can start trying again even though I am scared to death. I return to work the following Monday which I am not looking forward to because I don't want to tell what happened to everyone I see. I ordered some books online to help with the grieving process as I don't have time to go see a counselor or therapist. Hopefully something will help.
My family and I just returned from Florida. We spent 5 days at the beach. My Dr encouraged that we still go. We left 2 days after delivering Parker. The vacation wasn't as fun as it should have been. I couldn't swim in the ocean or pool. I can't even take a bath. I have those restrictions for a total of 2 weeks. I got to watch my kids and husband have fun in the waters while I just soaked my feet.
Surely things will start to get better.

9 years ago

Well I received my bfp 2 days ago at 11 dpo, check out my pictures. We couldn't be any happier. Hoping for a sticky little bean. 13 months and finnally a bfp, I guess it can happen! Hope everyone is doing well.

9 years ago

WHHAAA!! So happy for you!!! Man I hope Im next!!
OH man! That is such great news!!! We needed some good news!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Aceron, let us know how your appointment goes today. My fingers are crossed for you!

9 years ago • Post starter

Congrats Rose! Super excited for you!

Heather- you're next!!

As for me, my appt went as well as it could. I am physically healed and can resume everything now. As far as testing, everything on me came back normal and for Parker everything was normal as well. Just a terrible, rare cord accident was the cause. And after all the testing and looking under a miscroscope, Parker is actually a girl. :) I knew I was having a girl. I told my Dr that after holding Parker, I wanted to try again and have another baby. She was beyond thrilled that I chose to try again. She said that she would like me to wait at least 2 cycles, whenever that will be. So, I will hopefully start trying again in a couple months.

I received the phone call today that Parker's ashes are ready to pick up so I'll be picking them up tomorrow morning.

9 years ago

That's good news Aceron, I am happy to hear you are going to start trying again.

My brother in law, who I was really close with, died New Years Eve 2012 and the family decided to get these necklaces that hold ashes. They have millions of different styles, We didn't get them until almost a year after he passed and I was completely depressed and as soon as I got that necklace I never took it off, and I felt a little at peace that he was with me every where I went. And almost no one asks what it is, since it just looks like a little pendent, so you don't ever have to explain it if you don't want to. Just an idea. :) Hope you are doing well.

And as weird as this sounds.... I hope AF gets you soon! :)

9 years ago • Post starter

How you doing Rose?? Hope all is well! Tell me what plans you are making, any names, themes :) Are you going to find out the sex? (when its time obviously!)

9 years ago • Post starter

I looked into those necklaces.... I am going to have so much stuff for her! Everything I have makes me smile but it's still sad at the same time.

I think AF started tonight. When I got home from work tonight, I had the brownish-pink discharge in my underwear and when I wipe it's the same color and then pink streaks. I hope it's AF. :)

It's so weird to say that I want AF to show up. :/

9 years ago

What a confusing time! LOL Im so happy for you that AF is arriving! I hope she comes in full force!

9 years ago • Post starter

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