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Dissapearing Symptoms before BFP???

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Hi ladies, I am new here and i am wonding if anyone else is in the same boat as me.
I am 11-12 DPO and had been having symtoms seens 5-6 DPO. Sore breasts and nipples, gassy, bloated, stuffy nose, super tired but can't stay asleep, mild cramping, increase CM and just "feeling" preggo. Yesterday my symptoms started to dissapear and today the only symptoms i have left are PMS. I tested this AM and got a BFN!! What the heck?? We are trying for baby #3 and i got pregnant with my other 2 children on the first try with both! I know what pregnancy symptoms are for me. What's going on? Anyone else going through this?? Thanks!

18 Replies • 13 years ago



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11 - 18 of 18 Replies

Still no AF!! This is crazy!! I am never 3 days late!! No signs for her coming either. Minor preg symtoms as well. Just tired, increased CM, mild cramping, lower back pain from time to time. NO sore nips/bb, no nausea. I have been waking up in the middle of the night the past 3 nights and can't seem to fall back asleep. Either AF needs to get here or needs to happen.

Anyone else in the same boat as me??

13 years ago • Post starter

Know how you feel! I'm at 18dpo and am 9 days late for AF. My nausea has come to a grinding halt but I still get weird pressure in my lower abdomen and today my legs were aching, as well as my lower back. No sign of AF at all. I watched a couple movies (comedies) and balled my eyes out in both. This morning my DB told me he loved me and I burst out crying. Lol! I'm like a ball of emotions today. And I know "nesting" is only a late pregnancy thing, but I've become a professional housewife this weekend... Ironing more than usual is one thing, but I've been obsessively polishing everything I can get my hands on!

I've run out of HPTs so I'm not testing again until I can see a doctor (changes in insurance, so can't go just yet)

Not that this is a symptom or anything, but my mother was told by an astrologer about a month ago that she would become a grandmother in the next year - and she was right about everything else so who knows! I'm still hopeful but not a wreck like I have been.

Good luck to all - here's to our February babies!

Too many BFNs - taking a break from TTC Daisypath Anniversary tickers

13 years ago

Tested today and got a BFN!! Still no AF. Calling the Dr in the Am. Hopefully i can see her tomorrow and get a blood test done! Crossing my fingers! Hoping for the best for all of us that are still in limbo!

13 years ago • Post starter

Hey good luck to all...Its so frustrating playing this waiting game...I am very new here...My hubby had a vasectomy reversal april 13th we are now trying for baby number 3 but I have a feeling it may take a while( i dont know if there is a forum for other women in the same boat as I am) Its so hard to sit and feel every twinge and symptom...I am sure i am feeling everything under the moon..ahhhhhhhh...just want the joy of pregancy and a blessing of a baby...Gods timing..

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13 years ago

You won't believe this one! One my way back from the dr office i got AF!!! I'm a little sad about it but at least now i know and i can start trying again. Call dr once i got home and she thought i am having a very early mc since i am never late. Super bad cramps and heavy flow (TMI) Hoping everyone else has better luck then me!

13 years ago • Post starter


Im so sorry AF showed up. She showed up for me as well. I hope you get your BFP soon! Good luck and Ill be praying for you!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

I usually have the worlds heaviest most painful boobs from Ov-Af every month without fail. This cycle, NO sore boobs. That was my only 'symptom'. Been getting the faintest, almost invisible lines since est.10dpo. Today is the day AF is expected and I've got a line that is visible without squinting/tilting/balancing on one toe. Every other month I had every symptom under the sun and af showed. Praying for a sticky bean and baby no.2 ???? Good luck girls, it WILL happen.

6 years ago

I am in the same boat except mine is a little bit more complicated!! So I am a breastfeeding mom to a 10 month old and I hadn't gotten my period back. For personal reasons I wanted to give hormonal birth control a try...tried it for a week then stopped. I bled as if it was a normal period and had sex when I would have ovulated if that counted as a period! Just days after that I felt crampy and grumbly belly and just felt pregnant. Within a couple of weeks I was feeling huge waves of nausea and dizziness to the point of not being able to drive. All negative hpt and blood test. I just feeeeeel pregannt! But the past few days the nausea has gone away but I am really bloated and my belly looks like i could be pregnant...I'm extremely thin and showed super early with my daughter. I just don't know how long to keep testing or say okay enough, you're crazy and not pregnant! Driving me nuts. Did anyone have the syptoms come then go and end up being pregnant?

5 years ago

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