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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

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Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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171 - 180 of 719 Replies | Last Page

rebecca: I hope you and your kids are feeling better.

Bammom: It is so great you had a good doctor visit and you relaxed, I am so happy for you. Enjoy your 9 months!!!!

acrichton: A birthday will be nice, but I hope you get your even earlier

GVMDL: How are you doing today?

Vette: I hope you feel better, did you try acupuncture for your hips and pain?

Cristi: Great job on the shots, I pray that your u/s goes well Saturday, more about mine below...

gds: What's hysterectomy?
I hope you feel better, I know that mood, it is unpleasant.
Plus you are not out until arrives, and hopefully it wont!

tgpreg: Good job . Is it possible you ovulate later than your positive OPK, these things are not 100% accurate, do you continue to for a couple of days after your +OPK?

Nychick: Welcome!!! You know temping and checking CM is just a great way to learn about your body whether or not you're TTC. Unless it stresses you out I would recommend trying. I bet you will get your the old fashioned way, but it never hurts to know a little about your body.

Blushing: I hope you are enjoying your relaxing month!!!!

AFM: So this is CD9. I had an u/s yesterday, I am not sure how it works in the states, but here in Canada they tell you nothing. You need to see your doctor to get the results. Well I cannot make an appt. earlier than Wedn. So I am now worried waiting for 5 more days to the results.
I would not be so worried if she did not ask me so many questions and take so many pictures and then go ask her supervisor if I should get and internal u/s too. Well I did not end up getting one but now I am scarred.
I have little cramps and sharp pains in and around the overies and in my back and hips, I know it might just be accumulation of stress but I worry....
Well, I guess we'll know next week, my doctor appt. is right before my acupuncture appt. so I will know what to focus on .

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10 years ago

kotikd - thanks for asking. The kids are feeling better, I'm still feeling yucky, but that will pass soon, hopefully. Trying to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

That stinks that you have to wait until next Wed. before you get the results. Try not to worry over the questions and the fact that the tech wanted to make sure if you needed an internal u/s. What kind of questions did she ask? (If it's ok for me to ask you that.) Maybe she just wanted to get a feel for your history, etc, while she was taking the pictures. And lots of pictures may only mean she wanted to be sure she got shots of everything so the dr. had enough info to go by. Surely if they found something really bad she would have brought the dr in right away. Whatever happens, I'll be here praying for you.

Afm - I don't get sick often, but the most common thing that brings me down are head colds/allergies. I rarely run a fever, so I don't have one right now, (which the way I was raised makes me feel guilty for taking time off to rest, since I can't justify how I feel with a 100 degree fever!) but I feel like my head has been stuffed with cotton. My throat is raw, and I'm constantly either blowing my nose or trying to catch it as it runs! Lol. Energy levels are way down. So today is 9DPO, and I'm totally bummed. Just want this next week to hurry by so I can get in the groove to try again, or start the worrying process over a little baby.

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10 years ago

Crossing my fingers for an August baby! My husband and I just started TTC and were sad last month when it didn't happen. I have two step-children already and can't wait to have one of my own. Wishing everyone the best of luck!!!

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10 years ago

Thanks for the warm welcome gals.
I m slowly becoming comfortable with the fact that I may have to help Mother Nature. Looking forward to our .
CD14 for me. My cycle is usually 30 days. No idea if I m ovulating yet or not but I m keeping my bases covered and BDing every other day until next Thursday.

Acalrk: I m in the exact same situation. What CD are you?
Blushing:: thank you for the kind words.
Kotid: you re right. I m gonna check CM for the next cycles and see what happens
To all the gals.

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10 years ago


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10 years ago

Hi all!!
I haven't posted but have been reading!! I don't have time to comment on everyone's post. Work is kicking my butt!!! Just wanted yall to know that I am thinking of you!!

Just got my Beta back for 5 weeks and it was 1514!!! Doubling time of 37hrs!! Ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday!!

Welcome to all the newbies!!!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

Vettech, thank you!

Rebecca, yeah it is hard getting ready to do the shots. Oh the things we will put our bodies through! :)

1stTTC, how are you doing dear?

NYChick, welcome to the forum and loads of baby dust and luck heading your way!

Kot, thanks for the luck. I need it. The RE called and my u/s is at 8:00 in the morning... and it is a 2 hour drive. So much for sleeping in on the weekend. LOL! For me I get my results immediately after the u/s because they always schedule me with my RE right after! I hope you get great results. They are trained to ask questions, take a ton of pictures, and a lot of times they will do a vaginal u/s to get a better look. Hopefully that is all it was. FX and anxiously awaiting your results.

aclark, welcome to the board. Don't get to down if you don't get pregnant right away. We have all learned the journey can take some time. We all have gone through the heartbreak because we thought it would happen right away, and for some it has, but for others it has taken some time. You will learn so much about your body (and more than you probably want to know about ours haha)! Baby Dust being sent your way.

Lacey, That is amazing! Congrats! Can't wait to hear how the u/s goes.

AFM, u/s at 8 am tomorrow! I am praying for good mature follicles so I can trigger.

Sending baby dust to you all!!!

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10 years ago

Cristi: good luck tomorrow =)

10 years ago

Good luck cristi!!!!!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Feeling so tsh (thyroid levels) went from optimal for TTC (1-2) to 5.1....its never been that high. The only thing I can think is I lost my rx for the right dose and had to take my old rx but quadruple the dose. I am back to the right rx but damn. It may be another 6 month's like it was last time to regulate. My prolactin is also up from 0 to 9 but that's still in range. Really hating my body right now.

10 years ago • Post starter

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