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Anyone TTC after having a D&C?

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I finally got my on Oct. 22, 2014
On Dec 23 I had my first ultrasound appointment at 12 week of pregnancy. Excited to see my baby for the first time when I got the worst news ever. The baby had no heart beat and had not lived pass 9 weeks 1 day. So many emotions ran through me. I was taken completely by surprise because there was no signs of a miscarriage. No heavy bleeding, no pain, nothing. I decided to go through with the D&C which was performed the day after Xmas. 3 days later I was in so much pain. I thought it was normal. They felt just like contractions. The next day I couldn't take the pain anymore and decided to go to the ER. They did a ultrasound to find out that I was still pregnant and that's why I was having painful contractions. They also explained that sometimes this happens and they would have to do another D&C. I did the 2nd surgery on Jan 2nd.

One question is, How long did you wait to try to conceive after having a D&C?

2 different doctors gave me 2 different answers. One said I could wait after my first period, another doctor said wait 2 months

152 Replies • 9 years ago



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Nams really hoping u get your bfp this month. Am feeling positive that this is your month! Keep us posted

Netstar sorry af showed, I used opk tests too and found they really helped as I liked knowing exactly when ovulation took place, plus they give u a heads up. ordered mine online. There called one step ovulation tests and were really cheap for about 30 of them and worked very well.

Though dtd every other day between cd10-20 on a 28 day cycle should cover it.

9 years ago

Thank u for the wishes ladies.

Netstar - don't loose hope, its just a matter of time for all of us. We are all with u.

Venus - Be positive and stay happy, everything will be very fine this time.

Caz - How r u doing?

9 years ago

I'm doing good thanks. I went to my doctors today to advise them of pregnancy and she offered me an early scan. I just have to wait for letter to come through with my appointment. So I feel a little better now.

9 years ago

Let us know how ur appointments were.


9 years ago

Hi how's everyone doing?

Netstar what day in your cycle are you now?

Nams how's the 2 week wait going? When are you going to test?

I'm booked in for a very early scan on Wednesday so very nervous but fingers crossed everything's ok

Venus how r u?

9 years ago

I'm good, I just have some mild cramping now and then. Also exhausted after meals.. Any symptoms with you? Your lucky you get an early scan, I'm going to see the midwife on Friday but I don't think they will give me a scan.

9 years ago • Post starter

hey CAZ , don't worry, ur appointment will go well.

Venus, GL for ur appointment.

As for me, 2 week wait is going very busy. With events and dinners.
Will wait till my AF is due, because i might get a false reading from the trigger shot.

9 years ago

Hey Caz, I'm on CD11.. But I'm having a minor dilemma I'm not sure whether to continue ttc this month - if all goes well my EDD would be 26 Dec according to LMP.. I'm trying to weigh up the pros and cons here, it's such an expensive time of year as it is with Christmas and schools starting in Jan etc and I have this war going on in my head - "It's just a date, don't be stupid"/"Will we manage financially as it's already a struggle?" I think I'm overthinking it terribly but it does concern me.. Also I'm back on Candizole and just feeling frustrated!

Yay for your apt - please let us know, you too Venus!

Nams when is AF due? Been holding thumbs for you

9 years ago

Nams when is AF due?

Netstar I'm sorry i don't know what Candizole is.. Can you explain?

Xmas is a hectic time of year, idk that's a tuff one. My great nephew was born on xmas eve and though it was exciting, sometime I find it hard to attend his birthday party when I'm completely broke from getting xmas gifts. but he was due in Jan and came a few weeks early so you never know when your baby will make an appearance.

9 years ago • Post starter

my AF should be on 4th or 5th April

9 years ago

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