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Anyone TTC after having a D&C?

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I finally got my on Oct. 22, 2014
On Dec 23 I had my first ultrasound appointment at 12 week of pregnancy. Excited to see my baby for the first time when I got the worst news ever. The baby had no heart beat and had not lived pass 9 weeks 1 day. So many emotions ran through me. I was taken completely by surprise because there was no signs of a miscarriage. No heavy bleeding, no pain, nothing. I decided to go through with the D&C which was performed the day after Xmas. 3 days later I was in so much pain. I thought it was normal. They felt just like contractions. The next day I couldn't take the pain anymore and decided to go to the ER. They did a ultrasound to find out that I was still pregnant and that's why I was having painful contractions. They also explained that sometimes this happens and they would have to do another D&C. I did the 2nd surgery on Jan 2nd.

One question is, How long did you wait to try to conceive after having a D&C?

2 different doctors gave me 2 different answers. One said I could wait after my first period, another doctor said wait 2 months

152 Replies • 9 years ago



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Your right, you don't want to put stress on your DH. He seems to have been supportive of you by taking all these test. My DH won't even step foot into a doctors office.

things are going to work out. Like I said before its not impossible. If you got pregnant before without a IUI, you will definitely get pregnant with doing a IUI especially if they are taking the best ones out for you. Have faith in God, all things are possible

9 years ago • Post starter

thank you Venus,

will be travelling during weekend, so just got the trigger shot today and IUI scheduled for tomorrow. Wish me luck. Keeping positive. Fingers crossed. Hopefully will get a BFP soon.

How r u all BFP ladies doing?

9 years ago

Hello ladies!

Nams I def agree with Venus - you've been pregnant before so I would try not worry too much about these tests that show such huge differences in any case! Very interesting about the number of sperm per tsp, gosh I didn't know that! Yay for IUI, fingers crossed for you!

I gave in and poas this morning even though hubby suggested I wait (I just don't have the patience!).. BFN.. Not the result I was hoping for, but AF only due 22nd so trying not to feel sad. The cramps are just odd as I usually only cramp on CD1 so considering seeing the doc but may wait til after AF is due just to rule out possible implantation cramps. I didn't use OPK, just calendar - dtd every 2 days for like 10days, worked last year so figured I'd try again seeing as OPK's are so expensive here!

to you ladies with bfps and fingers crossed for the rest of us

9 years ago

I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for the both of you.

And keep me posted

Nams let us know when is your expected AF?

And Netstar have you retested?

9 years ago • Post starter

Nams, hope everything goes well this weekend, am sure if there picking the best you'll have the bestest chance and will get your bfp.

Netstar let us know when you retest, fx for you that it's a bfp

to you both

Keep us updated

9 years ago

I haven't retested, had a miserable day yesterday and don't want to put myself through that again so will wait until the 22nd.. How're you ladies doing/feeling?

9 years ago

Hello ladies,

Thank u for the wishes. Had my IUI on Fri. Count was very good after post wash. Had some light spotting and cramping the next 2 days. Now goin fine. So fingers crossed now for the next 2 weeks.

My AF should be sometime around Apr 5th.

How r u ladies doing?

Netstar did u test again.

9 years ago

Yay Nams - PLEASE let us know! Nope I'm out this month.. Eeek nearing Christmas baby time though Feeling very despondent I won't lie..

for you x

9 years ago

Nams this is your cycle keep faith. Can't wait to get some good Easter news.

Netstar, I know you said OPK are expensive (and they are) but if you have a dollar store near you, check if they have any, that way your not guessing if your ovulating. Also try to dtd every other day, I think having a break in between helps the count go up.

My first prenatal appt is April 4th. Im still nervous, praying I get to keep this baby. I haven't told anyone besides my mom. Even she told me not to tell no one. I can tell she wanted to be excited but was holding back because of what happen last time.

9 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Venus but I don't have a dollar store near me, in fact nowhere near - I'm in SA :)

If on a 28 day cycle would ovulation not be around CD14? We dtd from about CD10 - CD20, every other day.. So I don't know.. But maybe just not meant right now - I mentioned the thrush issue, maybe there's more to it, going to doc to do another follow up just to make sure no underlying issues, things have just seemed off since the D&C..

Yay for your first appointment, I'm sure everything's going to be just perfect!! Let us know x

9 years ago

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