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Frustrated and confused

UUUGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Oh ladies I am so confused! AF was due Monday but so far no sign of her. I feel like I am pregnant. I am nauseated, sore bbs, twinges in my abdomen, the list goes on. I took 2, yes 2 of the Wal-mart cheapie preg tests ( the $.88) ones and both were negative and not even a glimmer of a positive. If I'm not pregnant I wish AF would just come on and lets get this over with! If my mind is playing tricks on me with these symptoms, I'm going to have to get a hobby other than ttc and ttc websites! lol!! I am ttc immediately after early mc/chemical pregnancy, so could I be off on my dates?? Probably. UGH!!!!

8 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1 - 8 of 8 Replies

I'm in the same boat as you.. AF was supposed to be here on Mon as well and I've had 2 bfn's.. I know that for some it may take longer than this to show.. I'm going to wait and test again on Jan 2nd if AF doesn't show up.. AF has only been late once for me and that was in the middle of a move.. good luck and baby dust to you!

12 years ago

Well, looks like 3's a crowd, because I'm right there with you both. AF was supposed to be here Friday, the 23rd. I'm 5 days late. I took 3 Dollar Tree cheapies yesterday...1 was clearly bfn, 1 had an extremely faint line (squinting ), and the other looked "somewhat positive" although the ladies on the HPT images page voted that it looked like a bfn. I'm soooo frustrated! My BBS are sore, I still have creamy CM, yada yada yada. Ugh. My husband told me to just forget about all of it. WHAT?! I can't...something is clearly going on with my body and it's making me feel like a lunatic.

12 years ago

I'm waiting until Jan 1 to test again if AF doesn't show. Hopefully 2012 will bring on a positive. It is so darn aggravating to feel preg and keep seeing BFN. Hopefully all three of us will get a "delayed" BFP!!!! Baby dust!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

I know! I feel pregnant but I have a BFN. AF is due tomorrow but there are no signs of her. It's so frustrating.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

well today I'm 3 days late and sometimes I feel like AF is going to show and she doesn't.. I've also taken 3 hpts which were all bfn.. I just know I'm pregnant! Also, I've read that it takes some women up to 2 weeks to have a bfp on an hpt.. so don't get discouraged ladies! I'm going to the walk in clinic here in a few to see if there tests will show different.. I'll keep you ladies updated (-:

12 years ago

good luck jtedesco! I am out this month. AF showed her ugly face at 3 am. Not only am I not pregnant, I am now sleep deprived from the horrible cramps she brought with her. Baby dust to all of you!!!!! I may be out this month, but I really hope you all aren't!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Awww shucks!!! I'm so sorry! At least you're not in limbo any longer and can move on to this new cycle of the new year!

I'm 6 days late today and think I just may cave in and test today although DH and I agreed I would not until tomorrow when I'm officially 1 week late. I have zero signs of AF coming though. I have 5 children and honestly, with each one the symptoms were totally different. I didn't even know I was pregnant with my 3rd until I was 9 weeks along. I had bfn's and just finally convinced myself I wasn't pregnant only to find out at 9 weeks that YES I was pregnant (and only because my clothes were not fitting at all). Then, once it "clicked" in my brain, the symptoms all started coming on and I had morning sickness to the 10th power and all!

I was TTC my 4th and got pregnant on the 3rd cycle...with her I found out at 12 dpo. My 5th was a surprise, but I just "knew" I was pregnant because of metal mouth. I was right! Oh and with #4, I had ZERO cm...dry, dry, dry. With #5, I had an abundance of creamy cm. So, you just never know!
Baby dust to all! Hang in there ladies!

12 years ago

Just tested with a FRER....bfn. Ugh.

12 years ago

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