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I need help coping or someone to talk to.


It took me almost two years to get pregnant with my first. However, this September I had a miscarriage.
I was wondering if anyone out there would like to talk.
I am having a very hard time dealing with my emotions post-loss. I am dealing with insane amounts of jealousy, anger, and depression.
Would anyone else who has experienced a loss or someone dealing with infertility like to message me?

Non vedo l'ora di conoscerti il mio bambino. "I can't wait to meet you my child"

6 Replies • 10 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Replies

I have not had a miscarriage but have been ttc for almost 6 mos. Started clomid 50mg & didn't even ovulate this month. I'm going to try iui next month if I ovulate on 100 mg. Other women are getting pregnant. I'm going to baby showers and I want to be genuinely happy for my friends but instead I am sad, jealous and mad. I turn 36 next month and many of my friends are having later babies. I wonder am I going to be the one that can't get pregnant due to my age. I just want to hold my baby and watch him or her grow up. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that it will happen for both of us:)

10 years ago

Hi there. We have been trying for almost 2 years now. Finally got pregnant early this year but miscarried at 10 weeks. I know exactly how you feel. There were 5 friends of mine who had babies the same month I was due. today I started spotting and my temperature dropped so I know this cycle didn't work. I am also on clomid (and have been for the past 4 months). It is not an easy road. I am not sure it will happen for us without IVF, which is not something I ever wanted to have to do. I feel for you!!!

10 years ago

I hear you, ladies. We have been ttc for 7 months. I took Clomid last month and nothing. Was supposed to take it again this month but I'm not - I'm too stressed and in a negative frame of mind and feel like that would prohibit it (or anything) from working properly.

I understand your feelings. I am genuinely happy for my friends when they get pregnant and yet devastatingly heartbroken for myself, selfish as that makes me feel. I struggle to understand the meaning behind why this is happening and cry every single day.

10 years ago

Hey :) I know exactly how you feel. I also had a miscarriage in April. I could not stop crying, I ddidnt eat I was a mess. I blamed myself, who else could it have been I was carrying the baby it must have been me. But I was wrong.

I used to get angry seeing others with babies and always thought if they can do it then why can't I. The worst part was seeing people with babies who looked like they didn't have an ounce of love for their little miracle. They didn't deserve a baby, they were horrible, so I must have been an awful person.

But it's not you ans it wasn't your fault. We struggled to conceive as I suffered from an eating disorder, and was told we could never ha've children.

I am now pregnant again and hoping our little miracle is a fighter. When I compare symptoms this time compared to last time it is clear things were not right from the start.

The hardest part is realising it is nor your fault. But it will het easier. If you need any support, I'm only a message away.

Stay strong and keep smiling, it will happen for you!

10 years ago

I found out I was pregnant early this year with my first child, we were so made up And couldn't be happier and I was 29 at that time. Everything went to plan we saw the midwife and it was there she asked what scan we would like I opted for the NT scan which is a more in depth scan of the baby and they take bloods also. Scan was fine but something came back from my bloods they class you at a certain risk (which everybidy assumes downsyndrome) my came back 1 in 2 which is the highest you can get a normal reading is 1 in 5000. At 13 weeks I went for a CVT test ( which is very simular to a amnio) 2 days after I was given the devastating news that my child had patau's syndrome and the doctors precise words were the baby is not compatible with life. We were left with the worst decision that any couple would have to make, the more research I did the more upset I got I wanted to believe this wasnt happening to me. 95% pregnancys resulted in miscarriage or stillbirn and for the angel baby's that survive birth 80% died within the 1st week from there severe heart/ brain conditions. I did not want my child to suffer,some people may say how could you play god like that but I would never inflict pain or suffering on anything. I will always feel guilty sorry to go on a bit I just wanted to offload I guess x x

10 years ago

I totally understand. I have not had a miscarriage, but my husband and I found out last year we don't have any options in conceiving naturally because of his lack of sperm. We have decided to go the donor route and we have attempted IUI twice with no success. It's expensive and a lot of doctors appointments. I try to be happy for my friends but I am jealous and it seems so unfair that we can't conceive naturally. It seems like every time I turn around somebody else is pregnant, and I don't want to go to any of their baby showers. I'm trying to stay positive but our roadblocks are frustrating me. I'm glad there are others that are having the same feelings, now I don't feel like such a terrible friend.

10 years ago

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