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TTC After 5yrs On Depo-Shot What Will Work Best??!!Need Help

Hi, I've been on depo shot for 5 yrs, and I'm ttc my first child with my husband we've been trying for a year now and nothing seems yo be working. Is it me, or should I just let time take care of it?!....I really wanna try fertility aids just scared and not educated on them to if anybody can help that'll be great :)

2 Replies • 10 years ago



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hi I have some advice I was on the depo shot and it took me about a whole entire year or two to feel like the symptoms went away. but would really really help me I think I was taking red clover tea I would take about half a teaspoon that's what I would recommend half a teaspoon once every two days and what would happen is that you should brew it in hot water to make a tea. honestly I did this I would say it may be about 2 years after I got off the shot and I went to the doctor because I was feeling a couple of pain in my left ovary and when I ended up happening is that the doctor told me that I had a lot of eggs just waiting to be fertilized and I was thrilled because I thought I could never get pregnant again they told me know of course you can just start trying! so my best recommendation is for you to go to your um see if you can find like a local herbs herbal supplement store or order it online or go to Russian store they usually have a lot of teas and um you can even order it yeah basically ordering online if you can't find it anywhere its called red clover. I say try to te try like about half a teaspoon teaspoon um maybe once every two days in hot water and then drinking for like about 3 weeks to a month and just keep working on it keep working on it and you know I'll do a lot of prayer to your Creator the creator of the heavens and the earth not to any man not to any deity not anything just got the one God. I found this peace and help thru islam


10 years ago

Thank you so much for your reply,I will defiantly try out the red clover tea,it sounds like a good natural way to help out fertility,I was scared to try out fertility supplements because of all different chemical/medicine ,And thanks foe the prayers I hope this idea work, and if it does I will give thanks to for giving me an idea that works thank you once again! :)

10 years ago • Post starter

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